The Little School: Tales of Disappearance & Survival in Argentina Test | Final Test - Easy

Alicia Partnoy
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Little School: Tales of Disappearance & Survival in Argentina Test | Final Test - Easy

Alicia Partnoy
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of these guards was a shift supervisor?
(a) Abuelo.
(b) Vaca.
(c) Viejo.
(d) Chiche.

2. What happened to Graciela's son?
(a) He was given to one of the interrogators.
(b) He was returned to Graciela and Raul.
(c) He was given to an orphanage.
(d) He was killed by the guards.

3. In what year was Alicia Partnoy born?
(a) 1955.
(b) 1952.
(c) 1968.
(d) 1943.

4. Who was the most senior of the "Senors"?
(a) Lt. Juan Pablo Escobar.
(b) Lt. General Jorge Rafael Videla.
(c) President Juan Peron.
(d) General Jaime Velasquez Rivera.

5. Which guard's name means "duck"?
(a) Abuelo.
(b) Loro.
(c) Pato.
(d) Zorzal.

6. After the big rain, what animal did the guard bring into the prisoners' room?
(a) A bird.
(b) An iguana.
(c) A kitten.
(d) A puppy.

7. After the visitor leaves, where must the prisoners brush their teeth?
(a) In the torture room.
(b) In the backyard.
(c) In the guards' bathroom.
(d) In their room.

8. What evening was Zulma "Vasca" Izurieta taken to be killed?
(a) January 12, 1977.
(b) February 12, 1977.
(c) May 12, 1977.
(d) April 12, 1977.

9. One day while calling for "Senor," what unexpected sound does Alicia hear next to her bed?
(a) A dog barking.
(b) A trumpet.
(c) A song from the radio.
(d) A gunshot.

10. One day upon catching sight of Maria Elena, what does Alicia create?
(a) A blanket house.
(b) A bread sculpture.
(c) A poem.
(d) A paiting.

11. Which guard allows them to disregard Bruja's order?
(a) Abuelo.
(b) Peine.
(c) Viejo.
(d) Vaca.

12. How far along in her pregnancy was Graciela at the time of her arrest?
(a) Eight months.
(b) Seven months.
(c) Three months.
(d) Five months.

13. What does Alicia's mother brag that her children do?
(a) Daniel writes poems and Alicia illustrates them.
(b) Alicia writes poems and Daniel illustrates them.
(c) Jaime writes poems and Daniel illustrates them.
(d) Daniel writes poems and Jaime illustrates them.

14. Before the rainstorm, how long had it been since she washed her hands?
(a) 5 days.
(b) 30 days.
(c) 20 days.
(d) 10 days.

15. How many permanent shift supervisors were there at the Little School?
(a) Four.
(b) Three.
(c) One.
(d) Two.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which guard allows them to talk quietly?

2. After her illegal move, how does Alicia feel?

3. While taking an early morning bus with Ruth, what announcement does Alicia hear on the radio?

4. What does Chamame claim he allowed Graciela to do?

5. Who did the denim jacket previously belong to?

(see the answer keys)

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