The Little School: Tales of Disappearance & Survival in Argentina Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Alicia Partnoy
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Little School: Tales of Disappearance & Survival in Argentina Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Alicia Partnoy
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Alicia specifically not want from God?
(a) She does not want to become a martyr.
(b) She does not want her husband to be taken.
(c) She does not want her daughter to be taken.
(d) She does not want to denounce her faith.

2. As a teenager, with what political movement was Partnoy involved?
(a) Peronism.
(b) Socialism.
(c) Fidelism.
(d) Stalinism.

3. How does Alicia feel about her allergies?
(a) She feels they are a complete disadvantage.
(b) She feels they are equally advantageous and disadvantageous.
(c) She is completely indifferent.
(d) She feels they are a complete advantage.

4. What treat was Alicia promised for her birthday?
(a) A soda.
(b) A visit with her husband.
(c) A letter from her daughter.
(d) A cheeseburger.

5. The day Alicia sleeps for eighteen hours, what trip does she miss?
(a) The exercise trip.
(b) The trip to the torture room.
(c) The trip to the latrine.
(d) The trip to the lunch room.

6. What organization involved the mothers of disappeared people?
(a) The Mothers for Peron Politics.
(b) Lost and Found Argentina.
(c) The Mothers of Plazo de Mayo.
(d) The Mothers Without Answers.

7. About how many Argentines "disappeared" between 1976 and 1979?
(a) Over 50,000.
(b) Almost 15,000.
(c) Exactly 24,594.
(d) Almost 30,000.

8. As children, what did Alicia's brother call her?
(a) Cyrana.
(b) Nos.
(c) Nariz.
(d) Licia.

9. After what extravagant dinner does Alicia get her communication idea?
(a) After a slice of meat and a potato.
(b) After yogurt and granola.
(c) After a bread roll and a pastry.
(d) After a piece of chicken and asparagus.

10. What does Alicia refuse to do, though directly commanded by Loro and Peine?
(a) She refuses to talk about her daughter.
(b) She refuses to use the latrine.
(c) She refuses to slap Hugo in the face.
(d) She refuses to stop talking.

11. Why does Alicia arm-wrestle Abuelo?
(a) She is going insane with boredom.
(b) She knows he cannot touch her.
(c) She is trying to keep him from beating Benja.
(d) She is feeling competitive and knows she can win.

12. What shoes does the protagonist wear during the beginning of her stay at the Little School?
(a) Swim fins.
(b) Sandals.
(c) Mismatched house slippers, one with a plastic daisy.
(d) High heels that are too small.

13. What strange tactic does Alicia try to get in touch with her family?
(a) Messages in bottles.
(b) Homing pigeons.
(c) Writing in the dirt.
(d) Telepathy.

14. What is Nestor's nickname for Alicia?
(a) His Amor Alicia.
(b) His Jewish sister.
(c) His Little Licia.
(d) His Argentine sister.

15. In the Little School, who calls Alicia by her name?
(a) Vasca.
(b) The guards.
(c) Carlos.
(d) Rosa.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Alicia surprised at Chiche's threat?

2. How does Alicia detect the guard is still in the room, though he tries to fool her into thinking he has left?

3. Which guard does Graciela ask about Raul?

4. What does the "little frog" represent?

5. Why is the prisoner being assigned exercise around the table?

(see the answer keys)

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