The Little School: Tales of Disappearance & Survival in Argentina Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Alicia Partnoy
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Little School: Tales of Disappearance & Survival in Argentina Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Alicia Partnoy
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 12-13, Toothbrush, Bread.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What idea do Loro and Bruja force on the prisoners for their entertainment?
(a) The "little love."
(b) The "little monster."
(c) The "little train."
(d) The "little book."

2. On what street do Alicia's parents live?
(a) Paraguay Street.
(b) Chile Street.
(c) Ecuador Street.
(d) Uruguay Street.

3. When the visitor promises her a treat, what room is Alicia staying in?
(a) She is in the sunroom, directly across from the torture room.
(b) She is in a room for prisoners with bad behavior who refuse to collaborate.
(c) She is in the guards' quarters.
(d) She is in the guards' bathroom.

4. What kind of paper does the guard give to Alicia?
(a) Construction paper.
(b) Toilet paper.
(c) Sandpaper.
(d) Newspaper.

5. What does her husband do when he is tortured?
(a) He tells all the political secrets.
(b) He screams and cries.
(c) He sings a lullaby.
(d) He is absolutely silent.

Short Answer Questions

1. One day when she is not hungry, what does Alicia do instead with her bread?

2. Who is Adrianita?

3. Whose face is Alicia desperately trying to recall?

4. How often is Alicia allowed to see herself in a mirror?

5. What does Alicia pass to Benja?

(see the answer key)

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