The Little Paris Bookshop Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Nina George
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Little Paris Bookshop Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Nina George
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At the beginning of Chapter 15, what does Perdu tell Max he can do?
(a) Clean the boat.
(b) Fix food.
(c) Steer.
(d) Read.

2. In Chapter 18, who cheers when Perdu manages to turn the barge so it is no longer stuck, and it is facing the right direction?
(a) 5 men on a yacht.
(b) 2 women in bathing suits.
(c) 3 women in striped tops.
(d) Several men on a barge.

3. In Chapter 5, what day of the week does the therapist Eric Lanson spend the afternoon at the "Literary Apothecary"?
(a) Wednesday.
(b) Friday.
(c) Saturday.
(d) Thursday.

4. In Chapter 8, what was the name of Perdu's lover?
(a) Betty.
(b) Manon.
(c) Raven.
(d) Lily.

5. In Chapter 17, who does the policeman tell Perdu to follow to find a place to moor without charge?
(a) Swiss.
(b) Dutch.
(c) Germans.
(d) English.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who jumps on Perdu's boat as he casts off in Chapter 14?

2. In Chapter 2, what day did Madame Catherine Le P find a suitcase on the stairs with divorce papers?

3. In Chapter 7, what is the name of the waiter who is an avid reader?

4. How old were Perdu's parents when they married?

5. In Chapter 9, what exercises does Perdu do after taking a shower?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Perdu get his boat ready to sail?

2. In Chapter 5, how does Perdu say that he knows what books are suitable for people?

3. What did Paris seem like to Perdu when his parents took him to see relatives in Brittany?

4. In Chapter 8, what did Perdu get rid of and what did he keep after Manon was gone?

5. Why did Manon leave Perdu?

6. In Chapter 4, why does Perdu say that he named his barge the "Literary Apothecary"?

7. What types of buildings and shops are in Perdu's neighborhood?

8. What can Perdu smell in Chapter 1 when he opens a casement window?

9. Where is the table that Perdu decides to give away in Chapter 1, and how does he have to get into the room?

10. How did Madame Catherine Le P find out that her husband had left her?

(see the answer keys)

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