The Little Paris Bookshop Test | Final Test - Easy

Nina George
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Little Paris Bookshop Test | Final Test - Easy

Nina George
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 35, how long does it take Perdu to persuade Samy and Cuneo to take the barge?
(a) 6 hours.
(b) Half the morning.
(c) 4 hours.
(d) All afternoon.

2. In Chapter 22, how old is the woman that Perdu tells Max to dance with?
(a) 20s-30s.
(b) 30s-40s.
(c) 40s-50s.
(d) 50s-60s

3. How old was Samy when she fell out of a tree?
(a) 8.
(b) 13.
(c) 12.
(d) 9.

4. In Chapter 21, what type of dancing does P. D. Olson want Max and Perdu to try?
(a) Tango.
(b) Disco.
(c) Barn dancing.
(d) Ballroom.

5. In Chapter 32, how many nuclear power stations have the men passed?
(a) 5.
(b) 14.
(c) 8.
(d) 17.

6. What type of trees can be seen along the water at the beginning of Chapter 26?
(a) Cottonwoods.
(b) Oaks.
(c) Elms.
(d) Willows.

7. In Chapter 24, what is the scent of Perdu's failure and happiness?
(a) Cinnamon.
(b) Lavender.
(c) Thyme.
(d) Roses.

8. In Chapter 32, what does Samy remember that her father used to call her?
(a) Little love.
(b) Manny.
(c) Precious.
(d) Sasa.

9. Where does Samy Le Trequesser live in Chapter 30?
(a) Above a bakery.
(b) Small apartment.
(c) Little cottage.
(d) Above old printer's shop.

10. What is Samantha wearing in Chapter 31?
(a) Jeans and red cape.
(b) Linen dress and hobbit feet.
(c) Linen dress and wolf mask.
(d) Khakis and hobbit feet.

11. How old is Samantha in Chapter 31?
(a) Late 50s.
(b) Late 40s.
(c) Early 40s.
(d) Early 60s.

12. In Chapter 35, what type of hat is the woman wearing who Max asks for directions?
(a) Cloche.
(b) Bonnet.
(c) Baseball cap.
(d) Straw hat.

13. In Manon's diary at the end of Chapter 21, how many books did she think that world ruler should have to read?
(a) 5,000.
(b) 2,000.
(c) 10,000.
(d) 15,000.

14. In Chapter 25, who gave Max a join in exchange for a book?
(a) German woman.
(b) Dutch man.
(c) British woman.
(d) Swiss man.

15. Who does Cuneo know in a small village called Apremont-sur-Allier?
(a) Fisherman and his family.
(b) Priest.
(c) Bartender and his family.
(d) Sculptor and his family.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 35, what does Samy get Perdu and Max?

2. What does Cuneo take with him when he joins Max and Perdu on the barge in Chapter 23?

3. In Chapter 32, how long does Perdu say is the longest that he has ever been genuinely happy in one stretch?

4. In Manon's Travel Diary at the end of Chapter 33, how many days did she say she and Perdu had?

5. How long has Elaia had cancer in Chapter 27?

(see the answer keys)

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