The Lions of Little Rock Test | Final Test - Medium

Kristin Levine
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 181 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Lions of Little Rock Test | Final Test - Medium

Kristin Levine
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 181 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Marlee ask Liz to do with her in Chapter 36 that Liz does not want to try?
(a) Paint.
(b) Catch crawdads.
(c) Dance.
(d) Sing.

2. Who brings Marlee her school assignments while she is sick?
(a) Sally.
(b) Nora.
(c) JT.
(d) Little Jimmy.

3. What happens to Marlee's mother, David and Judy on the flight?
(a) They get sick to their stomachs.
(b) Their seatbelts break.
(c) They get headaches.
(d) They spill their drinks.

4. What does Mrs. Winthrop come to the house to tell Marlee's parents in Chapter 41?
(a) That Marlee's father has been fired.
(b) That an explosion has happened at the school.
(c) That the WEC is dissolving.
(d) That Marlee's father has been promoted.

5. What meeting does Marlee's mother say they are going to go to at the end of Chapter 41?
(a) The Human Relations Council meeting.
(b) The WEC main meeting.
(c) The NAACP regional meeting.
(d) The Forest Park PTA meeting.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 28, what does Marlee suggest that Liz try as an alternative to the times tables to help keep her temper and stay quiet?

2. How does Little Jimmy tell Marlee he feels about Liz?

3. What kind of party does Sally have?

4. Who picks up Marlee from Sally's party?

5. What does Marlee's father have to do to get Curtis out of jail?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Liz ask Marlee to do in exchange for Liz catching crawdads with Marlee?

2. What does Marlee's mother tell her about the origins of Marlee's name when she gives her the letter opener on her birthday?

3. Why is Marlee so upset when her mother suggests she tutor JT in math?

4. What did Betty Jean tell Marlee about what the NAACP had advised Negroes about sending their children to private segregated schools?

5. What problems does Liz tell Marlee she experiences once she has to attend the Negro school in her neighborhood?

6. What does Marlee tell her mother when her mother comes to pick her up from Sally's roller-skating party?

7. What idea does Marlee come up with to help Liz be quiet in tense situations?

8. What does David tell Marlee about the significance of Act 10?

9. What event finally forces Marlee to tell her parents that she has been secretly meeting Liz for months?

10. What do the leaders of the Women's Emergency Committee to Open Our Schools (WEC) insist is their only mission and why?

(see the answer keys)

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