The Lions of Little Rock Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Kristin Levine
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 181 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Lions of Little Rock Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Kristin Levine
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 181 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Liz ask Marlee to work with her on?
(a) Basketball tryouts.
(b) A new costume for dance.
(c) A history project.
(d) Cheerleading tryouts.

2. What is Liz's little brother's name?
(a) John.
(b) Tommy.
(c) Frankie.
(d) Little Jimmy.

3. How does Marlee's friend Sally treat her when she becomes overcome with anxiety at the pool?
(a) Marlee's friend Sally hugs her.
(b) Marlee's friend Sally hits her.
(c) Marlee's friend Sally leaves without her.
(d) Marlee's friend Sally makes fun of her.

4. Who is the boy who asks Marlee for help with his math homework?
(a) Little Jimmy.
(b) Ernest.
(c) JT Dalton.
(d) David.

5. In Chapter 1, what does Marlee attempt to do that she fails at while at the pool?
(a) She tries to jump off the high dive but is too afraid to go through with it.
(b) She tries to do a back flip from the pool's edge.
(c) She tries to hold her breath underwater for 30 seconds.
(d) She tries to eat six hot dogs.

Short Answer Questions

1. What prop does Marlee use in her presentation on the Quapaw Indians?

2. What does Liz bring to her and Marlee's last practice session before their presentation day?

3. What is the name Marlee uses when she telephones Liz?

4. What animals do both Liz and Marlee like to listen to at the zoo?

5. What deal does Liz make with Marlee about the presentation?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Marlee find out what really happened to Liz that prevents her from coming back to school?

2. Why do Marlee's parents tell Judy and Marlee that Judy has to move to their grandmother's house in Pine Bluff?

3. How does Liz act when the colored students walk into the library where she and Marlee are preparing for their history project?

4. Why does Marlee decide to stay in Mr. Harding's room instead of going to the cafeteria for lunch after Liz leaves school?

5. When Governor Faubus orders the schools in Little Rock to close, how do Marlee's parents react to the news?

6. What does Marlee discover her new math teacher, Mr. Harding, does differently than her previous math teacher on her first day of school?

7. How do Marlee's parents react when they find out that Liz had been passing?

8. Why does Marlee decide to give Liz a chance and agree to work on a school history project with her instead of with her usual partner Sally?

9. What does Marlee's fear of jumping off the high dive in Chapter 1 represent?

10. What does Marlee do to cope with her anxiety when she is expected to speak to new people?

(see the answer keys)

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