The Lions of Little Rock Test | Final Test - Easy

Kristin Levine
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 181 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Lions of Little Rock Test | Final Test - Easy

Kristin Levine
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 181 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Marlee give to her mother before her mother speaks at the meeting in Chapter 42?
(a) A peach pit.
(b) A ring.
(c) A bible.
(d) Her feather from Liz.

2. What happened when Liz tried writing in her notebook for the first time in order to keep her temper and stay quiet?
(a) The other students made fun of her.
(b) It did not work.
(c) She got into a fight with another student.
(d) It worked.

3. What does Marlee discover Act 10 is all about?
(a) Act 10 requires state employees to sign a loyalty pledge to Governor Faubus.
(b) Act 10 requires state employees to take an oath of silence on political issues.
(c) Act 10 requires state employees to sign a contract forbidding them from supporting integration.
(d) Act 10 requires state employees to list their membership in groups.

4. Who does Marlee's mother tell her she is named after?
(a) Marlene Dietrich.
(b) Marlee Curtis.
(c) Marlena Hayes.
(d) Marlee Davidson.

5. What does Judy tell Marlee on Thanksgiving Day that she is very excited about?
(a) Judy tells Marlee she has a boyfriend.
(b) Judy tells Marlee she is going to the prom.
(c) Judy tells Marlee she got her first job.
(d) Judy tells Marlee she made the cheerleading team.

6. What does Mrs. Dalton ask of Marlee before she leaves her first WEC meeting?
(a) To give a message to Liz for her.
(b) Not to tell her mother she saw her there.
(c) Not to tell Sally she saw her there.
(d) Not to tell JT she saw her there.

7. What does Marlee finally tell her mother in Chapter 37?
(a) That she was very upset Judy was living with their grandmother.
(b) That she does not like JT and that JT had been forcing her to do his homework for months.
(c) That she likes JT and did not like her mother interfering in their relationship.
(d) That she is actually still seeing Liz.

8. Why does Liz say she can not come to the Christmas parade?
(a) Because she hates Christmas parades.
(b) Because her family is not Christian.
(c) Because she is mad at Marlee.
(d) Because it is too dangerous because people might see her there.

9. Where does JT tell Marlee Red has hidden the dynamite?
(a) In a cave near their house.
(b) Under his bed.
(c) Back at the rock crusher.
(d) In the trunk of Red's car.

10. What does Marlee steal that Red has left on a bench in Chapter 47?
(a) The key to his car trunk.
(b) His wallet.
(c) His driver's license.
(d) His ring.

11. What does Marlee tell Mr. Harding about working on math in the new year in Chapter 33?
(a) She says she wants to try Calculus.
(b) She says she would like to do extra math every other day.
(c) She says she wants to get another math tutor to help her.
(d) She says she wants to try Geometry.

12. What is Marlee's father's surprise Christmas gift for the whole family?
(a) A train ride.
(b) A new television.
(c) A plane trip.
(d) A new car.

13. Why is Mrs. Brewer against asking Negroes to join the WEC?
(a) Because it is illegal to ask Negroes to join a white group.
(b) Because she does not like Negroes.
(c) Because some of the members' husbands are in the KKK and they would not stand for it.
(d) Because she and other members think the group would fall apart because members would leave.

14. What new friend does Liz tell Marlee about in Chapter 33?
(a) James.
(b) Curtis.
(c) Dalton.
(d) Harry.

15. What happens when Liz tries Marlee's suggestion about going through the multiplication tables to help her stay quiet?
(a) It works perfectly.
(b) She gets in a fight with another student.
(c) Liz's mother tells her not to do it.
(d) It does not work.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who ends up driving Marlee and JT to Sally's party?

2. Who is Marlee surprised to see at her first WEC meeting?

3. What is Marlee looking for that Red has in Chapter 47?

4. What does Marlee do to help Betty Jean when she tells her about Curtis's arrest?

5. What does Marlee's father tell her is the reason he helped Curtis and got involved with racial justice issues?

(see the answer keys)

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