Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What does Lakunle think of the villagers?
2. What evidence does Sidi give that women are not the "weaker sex" (4)?
3. When the play opens, who has Sidi promised to marry?
4. Why is Baroka jealous of Sidi?
5. What does Sidi say a man has to do in order to marry her?
Short Essay Questions
1. What is the "dance of the lost Traveller," and who plays the Traveller?
2. When the play opens, what is the understanding between Sidi and Lakunle regarding marriage?
3. What does Lakunle think of Baroka?
4. How does Sidi feel about Lakunle's modern ideas?
5. What response does Baroka have to the magazine featuring pictures of the village?
6. What is the contradiction in Lakunle's view of women?
7. What are the qualities that Lakunle thinks of as "civilized"?
8. Describe the setting in which the play opens.
9. How did the "lost Traveller" come to be in the village?
10. What happens with Lakunle when Baroka interrupts the dance?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Write an essay explaining how Soyinka uses both language and action to create comic effects in The Lion and the Jewel. Be sure to offer textual support for your claims.
Essay Topic 2
Choose one of the traditional Nigerian sayings from the play and do some research into its meaning. Write an essay in which you explain the meaning of the saying and then show how it relates not only to the action but to the meaning of the play. Be sure to offer textual support for your ideas and cite your sources in MLA format.
Essay Topic 3
Choose two symbolic objects from the play that have opposed meanings; write an essay that explains their significance and uses textual support to demonstrate why their meanings stand in contrast to one another.
This section contains 903 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |