The Lion and the Jewel Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 93 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Lion and the Jewel Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 93 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Near the end of "Noon," why does Baroka start talking about winning a log-tossing match and hunting leopards?
(a) He is trying to impress Sadiku, because he is afraid that she does not love him.
(b) Sadiku is teasing him about getting older.
(c) Sadiku has asked him what she can tell Sidi to persuade Sidi to marry him.
(d) He is anxious to prove that he is still masculine and powerful.

2. To whom does Sadiku pray on Sidi's behalf?
(a) The Christian God.
(b) Jesus Christ.
(c) Sango.
(d) Ogun.

3. In "Noon," what example of Baroka's corruption does Lakunle give?
(a) He tells about Baroka getting the railroad rerouted.
(b) He tells about Baroka embezzling money meant for the school.
(c) He tells about Baroka seducing Lakunle's younger sister.
(d) He tells about Baroka bribing a judge.

4. Who is Sadiku?
(a) Baroka's senior wife.
(b) One of Baroka's concubines.
(c) Sidi's mother.
(d) Baroka's favorite wife.

5. What job does Baroka give to his favorite wife?
(a) Rubbing his feet.
(b) Pulling his underarm hairs.
(c) Carrying messages for him.
(d) Serving him at dinner.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Sidi not want to spend any time alone with Baroka?

2. While Sadiku tickles and rubs his feet, what does Baroka do?

3. In the opening of "Noon," to what does Sidi compare Lakunle?

4. What is happening onstage while Lakunle tells the story of Baroka's corruption?

5. Whom does Baroka call "the queen of them all" (31)?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe Baroka's bedroom.

2. What argument does Sadiku present to Sidi for marrying Baroka?

3. When Sidi says, "The stranger took my beauty/and placed it in my hands" (20), what claim is she making for the power of the photographs?

4. When, in the beginning of "Noon," Lakunle compares Sidi to women in the Bible, what message is he trying to send, and what is Sidi's response?

5. What evidence is there in "Noon" that there might be genuine affection between Baroka and Sadiku?

6. When the scene in "Noon" shifts to Baroka's bedroom, what is his favorite wife doing, and how does she use this task to communicate her feelings?

7. When Lakunle tells the story of Baroka's corruption, what conflicting emotions does he display?

8. Explain how Baroka diverted the railroad, and why.

9. What is Sidi's reasoning for turning down the proposal that Baroka sends to her through Sadiku?

10. When Sadiku conveys Sidi's refusal to Baroka, what is his first reaction, and what changes his feelings?

(see the answer keys)

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