The Lion and the Jewel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 93 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Lion and the Jewel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 93 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Lakunle think of the villagers?
(a) He thinks they are innocent and childlike.
(b) He thinks they are hard-working and clever.
(c) He thinks they are lazy and cruel.
(d) He thinks they are ignorant savages.

2. When Lakunle talks about machines that will someday help women with their work, what is Sidi's reply?
(a) She says that he will turn their whole world upside down.
(b) She says that she will marry him if he can get her these machines.
(c) She says that he is lying and that these things do not exist.
(d) She says that she will move to Lagos, where she can use these machines.

3. How did Sidi meet the "lost Traveller"?
(a) He fell in the river trying to sneak a picture of Sidi bathing.
(b) He passed out from drinking and Sidi is the one her found him.
(c) He came to the village on assignment for his magazine and Sidi was pointed out as the "jewel" of the village.
(d) His car broke down and he stopped Sidi to ask for help.

4. Who is Sidi?
(a) The senior wife of the village leader.
(b) The best friend of the "jewel" of the village.
(c) The "jewel" of the village.
(d) The favorite wife of the village leader.

5. What is the name of the village?
(a) Bale.
(b) Alakowe..
(c) Baba.
(d) Ilujinle.

6. Why does Lakunle object to Sidi carrying things on her head?
(a) He says it is an example of how women are discriminated against.
(b) He says it makes her look like a beast of burden.
(c) He says it is the way men, not women, carry things.
(d) He says it is bad for her spine.

7. What kind of shoes is Lakune wearing with his suit?
(a) Army boots.
(b) Platform shoes.
(c) Formal black shoes.
(d) White sneakers.

8. What is the formal title of the village leader?
(a) Alakowe.
(b) Baba.
(c) Ilujinle.
(d) Bale.

9. What does Lakunle say that he wants a wife to be?
(a) A leader.
(b) A servant.
(c) A partner.
(d) Property.

10. What does Sidi say a man has to do in order to marry her?
(a) Become a leader.
(b) Pay her bride-price.
(c) Speak with her father.
(d) Kill a lion.

11. What does Lakunle say is true about women's intelligence?
(a) They are good at talking, but not good at math.
(b) They are better at strategy than men are.
(c) They are men's intellectual equals.
(d) They have smaller and less capable brains.

12. Why does Sidi have Lakunle play the "lost Traveller" in their dance?
(a) Lakunle is the best dancer in their village.
(b) Lakunle asks Sidi for the role because he is trying to get back on her good side.
(c) She feels bad for arguing with him earlier and wants to make it up to him.
(d) She is pointing out that he is making himself an outsider.

13. Why is Baroka jealous of Sidi?
(a) Sidi appears more times in the magazine.
(b) Lakunle believes that Sidi is smarter than Baroka.
(c) Important people from Lagos want to meet Sidi.
(d) The villagers suggest that Sidi would make a better leader.

14. Which word could reasonably be used to describe Lakunle's way of talking?
(a) Pessimistic.
(b) Condescending.
(c) Respectful.
(d) Cheerful.

15. Who plays the role of Baroka in the "dance of the lost Traveller"?
(a) Sidi.
(b) Baroka.
(c) Sadiku.
(d) Soyinka.

Short Answer Questions

1. What are the village school children learning when the play opens?

2. Who is Ogun?

3. When the play opens, who has Sidi promised to marry?

4. What evidence does Sidi give that women are not the "weaker sex" (4)?

5. When Lakunle lists a large number of adjectives to describe their marriage customs, Sidi asks, "Is the bag empty? Why did you stop?" What literary technique is being used, here?

(see the answer keys)

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