The Line Becomes a River Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Francisco Cantú
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Line Becomes a River Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Francisco Cantú
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Cantu deliberately shoot at the firing range just to see if he is capable of taking a life?
(a) A small yellow bird.
(b) A small dog.
(c) A chipmunk.
(d) A swan.

2. Why does Cantu excuse himself from Morales's hospital room and not return?
(a) He feels he should be at the office doing work.
(b) He is squeamish around medical equipment.
(c) Being in the hospital brings back bad memories of his father's death.
(d) He is crying and does not want Morales's friends and family to see him upset.

3. When Cantu stops a suspicious car on page 70, what false name does one of the men give to Cantu?
(a) George Bush.
(b) Michael Jackson.
(c) Mick Jagger.
(d) Jimi Hendrix.

4. Which other colleagues of Cantu's also visited Morales in the hospital while Cantu was there?
(a) Smith and Wesson.
(b) Beto and Manuel.
(c) Cole and Hart.
(d) Dominguez and Monterey.

5. Where are migrants who survive the crossing of the desert often shepherded by smugglers inside the U.S.?
(a) To prisons.
(b) To vampire towns.
(c) To "drop houses."
(d) To family members waiting to welcome them.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Cantu tell the young boys who lost one of their party in the desert NOT to do if they decide to try to cross the border again?

2. What does the woman from Guadalajara tell Cantu and Mortenson she aspires to on page 37?

3. Why does Cantu arrest one of the men in the car he stops on page 70?

4. Why does Cantu's mother tell him she insisted on keeping her maiden name after she married his father?

5. What delicacy did Morales want to eat that the two men he and Cantu picked up on page 50 had?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is Cantu so nervous when he comes home from work late one night to see a man lurking in the dark on his street?

2. What does Cantu discover that some coyotes, or smugglers who are paid to help immigrants cross the border illegally, give to immigrants to "help" on their journey?

3. Why do Cantu and other Border Patrol agents destroy any of the belongings and provisions they find in the desert?

4. Who did Cantu's mother name him after and what was his namesake known for?

5. What fears do Adam and his wife, living in a border town, have about the men who come to the house demanding things?

6. Why did Hart's roommate, Dominguez, quit the Border Patrol training?

7. How did the two young sisters who were brought in to the Border Patrol station alone react to their processing and questioning?

8. What does the dentist who works on Cantu's mouth surmise about his problem grinding his teeth?

9. How was the modern-day boundary between the U.S. and Mexico first defined?

10. What does Cantu feel when he goes to visit Morales in the hospital following his motorcycle accident?

(see the answer keys)

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