The Line Becomes a River Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Francisco Cantú
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Line Becomes a River Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Francisco Cantú
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which other colleagues of Cantu's also visited Morales in the hospital while Cantu was there?
(a) Smith and Wesson.
(b) Cole and Hart.
(c) Beto and Manuel.
(d) Dominguez and Monterey.

2. Why does Cantu's mother tell him he can work anywhere he would like?
(a) He is the smartest person she knows.
(b) He speaks five languages and anyone would be happy to employ him.
(c) She knows many people who can get him a job in finance in New York.
(d) He graduated with honors and has a 4-year degree.

3. What animal features in one of Cantu's unsettling dreams on page 14?
(a) A worm.
(b) A whale.
(c) A lion.
(d) A wolf.

4. How old were the young immigrant sisters Mortenson asks Cantu to translate for on page 51?
(a) 6 and 7.
(b) 20 and 21.
(c) 9 and 10.
(d) 15 and 16.

5. Which of the following is one reason Cantu's mother tells him she embarked on the career she chose?
(a) She wanted to make sure everyone had equal access to higher education.
(b) She wanted to help foster stronger ties with the U.S.'s allies abroad.
(c) She wanted to guard the landscape against ruin.
(d) She wanted to make sure consumers were protected.

Short Answer Questions

1. What are Border Patrol agents instructed to do with water, food, and other belongings they find that migrants have left in the desert?

2. What does Cantu tell the young boys who lost one of their party in the desert NOT to do if they decide to try to cross the border again?

3. On page 83, what does the dentist ask Cantu if he was aware of as a problem with his teeth?

4. How does Cantu's mother become injured in Mexico during their trip there in the book's prologue?

5. Why do the tribal police often decline to come to pick up abandoned vehicles when Border Patrol calls them?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Adam say when Cantu asks him why his town is called the vampire town?

2. Why do Cantu and other Border Patrol agents destroy any of the belongings and provisions they find in the desert?

3. How does Mortenson treat Cantu when they first meet on the job?

4. What realization did Italian priest Father Eusebio Kino have when he climbed to the top of a volcanic peak south of the international boundary line in 1706?

5. How does Cantu's own experiences in Ciudad Juarez compare to what he has heard about the city?

6. What does Cantu discover that some coyotes, or smugglers who are paid to help immigrants cross the border illegally, give to immigrants to "help" on their journey?

7. What do some of the other Border Patrol agents suggest might help combat the smell of dead bodies when going out to recover them in the desert?

8. What does the dentist who works on Cantu's mouth surmise about his problem grinding his teeth?

9. What is Cantu's impression of the people and atmosphere in Cuidad Juarez when the book opens?

10. How did the two young sisters who were brought in to the Border Patrol station alone react to their processing and questioning?

(see the answer keys)

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