The Line Becomes a River Test | Final Test - Easy

Francisco Cantú
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Line Becomes a River Test | Final Test - Easy

Francisco Cantú
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Cantu, what is one common way reporting in the media dehumanizes migrants?
(a) By showing photos of drugs every time there is a news story about migrants.
(b) By representing them as one large, undifferentiated mass of people.
(c) By referring to migrants as "illegal."
(d) By never showing individual photographs of migrants.

2. Why does Cantu's relative say his house is littered with boxes on page 125?
(a) The relative is storing boxes for a friend.
(b) The relative does not have enough room to unpack all the things.
(c) The relative is leaving the country soon and does not want to go through the trouble of unpacking.
(d) The relative is renting temporarily until the relative can build a house soon.

3. On page 101, which elderly relative of Cantu's dies?
(a) His great-grandmother.
(b) His great-Uncle Roberto.
(c) His great-Aunt Frances.
(d) His grandfather.

4. What is the term for a hit man who works for cartels?
(a) Morone.
(b) Morte.
(c) Sicario.
(d) El Hefe.

5. Where does Cantu go hiking on page 148?
(a) The Franklin Mountains.
(b) The Smoky Mountains.
(c) The Rocky Mountains.
(d) The Guadalupe Mountains.

6. Which city did Cantu's grandfather come from?
(a) Mexico City.
(b) Juarez.
(c) Chihuahua.
(d) Monterrey.

7. Who is the woman who owns the mercado where Jose works?
(a) Diane.
(b) Holly.
(c) Lisa.
(d) Denise.

8. Where does Hayward ask Cantu if he would like to move to from the Tucson office for his next post with Border Patrol?
(a) San Francisco.
(b) El Paso.
(c) Atlanta.
(d) Boston.

9. On page 155, what does the sicario tell his interviewers about his dreams?
(a) They were horrible and very realistic.
(b) They were calming and peaceful.
(c) They were very short.
(d) He stopped dreaming after doing his job for several years.

10. On page 104, which city does Frances's daughter tell Cantu they can see?
(a) Juarez.
(b) Cancun.
(c) El Paso.
(d) Tijuana.

11. What does the sicario say his dreams made him realize about his work and private lives?
(a) There was no longer a dividing line between his work and private lives.
(b) He had to leave his family and private life completely behind to keep doing his work.
(c) His work meant everything to him.
(d) His private life was the only think still keeping him going.

12. What does Beto tell Cantu about his aspirations for a career when he was a child?
(a) In El Paso, the only people doing well were working for the cartels or working to take them down.
(b) He had wanted to be an engineer.
(c) In El Paso, the only good work had been in manufacturing.
(d) He had wanted to be a teacher.

13. What does the U.S. Marshal give to Diego, Jose's youngest son, outside the courtroom?
(a) Some money.
(b) His own pin that says "United States Marshal."
(c) The phone number of a good immigration lawyer.
(d) A lollipop.

14. What words are painted on rocks Cantu can see on the Juarez Mountains on page 130?
(a) La Biblia Es La Verdad, Leela.
(b) Vive Libre o Muere.
(c) La Verdad es Belleza.
(d) Si Se Puede.

15. On page 120, why is Beto upset?
(a) He was suffering from anxiety due to his relationship with his girlfriend.
(b) He was afraid he was about to get fired.
(c) His mother was very ill.
(d) His cousin had died in Juarez the day before.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Cantu's birth name?

2. For about how long does Cantu see Jose every day as they work in close proximity?

3. What does Cantu do for Beto when Beto goes away for several days on page 148?

4. On page 157, what does Hayward tell Cantu about coming back to Border Patrol after a leave of absence?

5. What does Jose's court-appointed attorney say about Cantu's former colleague Morales on page 187?

(see the answer keys)

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