The Light Fantastic Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Light Fantastic Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who opens the door where the wizards are locked up?
(a) Cohen.
(b) Rincewind.
(c) A magical mouse.
(d) Bethan.

2. What is described as a more accurate description of Ankh-Morpork?
(a) A wart on the nose of a bar hag.
(b) A pile of dung in a molded cheese parade.
(c) A piece of rubbish covered with the diseased secrtetions of a dying mollusc.
(d) A pimple on the butt of the world.

3. What does Wert say will happen if one mind holds all the spells?
(a) No one is sure, but they are certain it will be unpleasant.
(b) The person's mind will explode.
(c) It will break down and leave a hole.
(d) The person will be transported to the Demon Dimension.

4. What does Rincewind see when he first wakes up in the shop?
(a) A suit of armor.
(b) A mouse with an odd hat.
(c) A stuffed crocodile.
(d) The Luggage.

5. What does Cohen tell the man that he feels like doing when the man says that all magical books must be burned?
(a) Cohen says he feels like killing someone.
(b) Cohen says it is almost nap time.
(c) Cohen says he feels like eating a steak.
(d) Cohen says he feels like taking several of the books.

6. Why does the shop keeper say he stopped when he did in the alley way?
(a) His horoscope told him to.
(b) To get his bearings.
(c) To use the bathroom.
(d) To find someone that owed him money.

7. What does Twoflower say when Rincewind asks him if he can use a sword?
(a) He used to have little figurines that had swords.
(b) He has trained with the best.
(c) Of course. It's the same as playing ball.
(d) He has never tried.

8. Where does Rincewind say he is going to build his house?
(a) On the flattest country he can find.
(b) Underground.
(c) On a cliff somewhere.
(d) On the ocean.

9. Where does the Octavo go?
(a) It disappears into the Demon Dimension.
(b) It becomes a small turtle.
(c) The Luggage eats it.
(d) It magically is blank and the spells are all gone.

10. What are the other wizards doing when Rincewind reaches the top of the steps?
(a) Cowering in the corner.
(b) Being sucked into a vortex of death.
(c) Fighting off imaginary beasts.
(d) Standing very still like statues.

11. What does the shopkeeper explain is his curse?
(a) To run the shop forever without closing.
(b) To never return to his home.
(c) To remain alone.
(d) To always have to pay high prices for his inventory.

12. Where does Rincewind say they are going?
(a) To look for a place to hide.
(b) To find an old friend.
(c) To find the Octavo.
(d) Unseen University.

13. Who is helping Rincewind when Twoflowers approaches him in the end of the story?
(a) Cohen.
(b) Bethan.
(c) The librarian.
(d) Lackjaw.

14. What happens when the sunlight hits the Octavo?
(a) It begins to fall back to Earth.
(b) The spells begin to speak to Rincewind.
(c) The Unseen University begins to shift.
(d) The people see images of the turtles filtering past their eyes.

15. What about the noises that they hear convinces Rincewind and the others that they can't possibly be a danger?
(a) The wheezing sounds.
(b) The fact that some of them are yelling about peeing their pants.
(c) The cries for momies.
(d) They soft crying.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is wrong with the word that tells Bethan that Rincewind said it wrong?

2. What does Twoflower give Rincewind?

3. What does Weems tell Rincewind after the Luggage has disappeared?

4. What does the Luggage do first to try and save Twoflower when Herrena has captured him for the second time?

5. What does Trymon experience when he first picks up the Octavo?

(see the answer keys)

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