The Light Fantastic Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

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The Light Fantastic Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through P.115-143.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Rincewind describe the relationship between him and Twoflower to the man who puts a knife to his throat?
(a) Hate-hate relationship.
(b) Non existant.
(c) One that he wishes he had never entered into.
(d) One of mutual misunderstandings.

2. What does Herrena say is the reason she wasn't cut out to be a wife?
(a) Her temper is too short.
(b) She had broken the colar bone of the first man that propsed.
(c) She is too smart.
(d) She was used to running things.

3. What does the Octavo say will happen if all eight spells are said together too soon?
(a) Creation will be undone.
(b) The four horsemen will come.
(c) Unimagnation will wipe the world clean.
(d) Terrible things.

4. What does Trymon explain that he did with Galder's chair with lion arms and chicken feet?
(a) Had it made into toothpicks.
(b) Gave it away to charity.
(c) Burned it.
(d) Turned it into a toilet.

5. What does Cohen say happens when you loose all your teeth if you are a warrior?
(a) You are forced to walk the lands without a home.
(b) You have to give up your warrior membership.
(c) People loose all respect.
(d) You have to walk the road of shame.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Death explain happened with the Octavo?

2. In the beginning of the book what are the six wizards looking at in the cellars of the Unseen University?

3. What does Twoflower say he is a firm believer in when Rincewind says Twoflower is informally dead?

4. What attitude is Twoflower described as having when he interrupts the sacrifice?

5. Where does the woman tell Rincewind he is?

(see the answer key)

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