The Light Between Oceans Test | Final Test - Medium

M.L. Stedman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Light Between Oceans Test | Final Test - Medium

M.L. Stedman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who goes home and hugs his wife after witnessing Tom's arrest in Part Three: Chapter 25?
(a) Bill.
(b) Ralph.
(c) Bluey.
(d) Septimus.

2. What is Sergeant Knuckey's first name?
(a) Vernon.
(b) Septimus.
(c) Vince.
(d) Bill.

3. Hannah tells Isabel that Grace can come live with her as long as Isabel does what, in Part Three: Chapter 34?
(a) Testifies against Tom.
(b) Promises to call her Grace.
(c) Agrees to confess her guilt in court.
(d) Leaves her family's home.

4. Who does Mrs. Darnley tell she believes that Hannah has gone insane in Part Three: Chapter 25?
(a) Mr. Knuckey.
(b) Ralph Addicott.
(c) Mr. Kelly.
(d) Mr. Spragg.

5. What toys does Grace play with and give names to in Part Three: Chapter 31?
(a) Clothespins.
(b) Seashells.
(c) Stuffed animals.
(d) Sticks.

Short Answer Questions

1. What insulting name does Bluey's mother call him in Part Three: Chapter 28?

2. Where was the encounter between Grace and Isabel that has led to Grace's regression in Part Three: Chapter 31?

3. What is Lucy playing with when Tom finds her in Part Two: Chapter 22?

4. What business does the father of Bluey's girlfriend own in Part Two: Chapter 19?

5. What kind of stuffed animal has Hilda sent to Lucy in Part Two: Chapter 19?

Short Essay Questions

1. Where does Lucy go when she wanders off in Part Two: Chapter 22? How does Tom find her?

2. What exchange takes place between Bluey and Tom in Part Three: Chapter 28?

3. How is the encounter between Isabel and Grace/Lucy described in Part Three: Chapter 30?

4. What betrayal does Isabel commit in Part Two: Chapter 26? Why?

5. What is significant about the encounter between Tom and Hannah in Part Two: Chapter 21?

6. What led to the loss of Tom's mother in his life as a child?

7. Why does Hannah come to Isabel's home in Part Three: Chapter 34?

8. What does Bluey question Tom about during his visit in Part Two: Chapter 19? Why?

9. What kind of pet does Lucy ask for in Part Two: Chapter 22? Why?

10. How does Bill Graysmark respond when he arrives at the police station in Part Two: Chapter 25?

(see the answer keys)

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