The Light Between Oceans Test | Final Test - Easy

M.L. Stedman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Light Between Oceans Test | Final Test - Easy

M.L. Stedman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What Biblical story does Hannah consider after Sergeant Knuckey has left in Part Three: Chapter 35?
(a) The story of Abraham and Isaac.
(b) The story of Cain and Abel.
(c) The story of Mary Magdeline.
(d) The story of Job.

2. What is the name of Tom's mother?
(a) Anna.
(b) Eleanora.
(c) Violet.
(d) Emily.

3. What is embroidered on the pinafore of the rag doll that Hannah gives Grace in Part Three: Chapter 28?
(a) "Grace."
(b) "Love."
(c) "Mama's Baby."
(d) "Lucy."

4. What does Isabel's mother bring her to drink when she arrives at the Graysmarks' home in Part Three: Chapter 25?
(a) Warm milk and tea.
(b) A glass of whiskey.
(c) Warm water and brandy.
(d) A glass of wine.

5. What object of Lucy's does Tom keep in his pocket in the jail cell in Part Three: Chapter 25?
(a) A wilted flower.
(b) A seashell.
(c) A clothespin.
(d) A satin ribbon.

6. What food does Grace take with her when she runs away in Part Three: Chapter 33?
(a) An orange.
(b) A bag of grapes.
(c) A roll.
(d) An apple.

7. Who is the first adult that makes a compromise to call Grace "Lucy-Grace" in Part Three: Chapter 35?
(a) Septimus.
(b) Ralph.
(c) Hannah.
(d) Eleanora.

8. What is the name of the cat that patrols the home of the Graymarks?
(a) Biscuits.
(b) Tabatha Tabby.
(c) Socks.
(d) Eleanora.

9. What insulting name does Bluey's mother call him in Part Three: Chapter 28?
(a) A bloke.
(b) A halfwit.
(c) A dobber.
(d) A drunk.

10. What object does Hannah find in the parcel left in her letterbox in Part Two: Chapter 23?
(a) A baby bonnet.
(b) A baby doll.
(c) A silver rattle.
(d) A women's cardigan.

11. Who is the preacher that suggests Hannah "look for Christ in the life around her" in Part Two: Chapter 23?
(a) Reverend Smith.
(b) Reverend Knuckey.
(c) Reverend Norkells.
(d) Reverend Bradshaw.

12. How did Tom's father die?
(a) Throat cancer.
(b) Suicide.
(c) Car accident.
(d) Boating accident.

13. Who suggests to Hannah that maybe she should take Grace to see Isabel in Part Three: Chapter 29?
(a) Ada.
(b) Violet.
(c) Eleanora.
(d) Gwen.

14. What sport does Bluey discuss with Tom in the beginning of Part Two: Chapter 19?
(a) Soccer.
(b) Baseball.
(c) Cricket.
(d) Polo.

15. Who was left as the executive beneficiary after Tom's father's death?
(a) Gerald.
(b) Howard.
(c) Clyde.
(d) Cecil.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who brings Grace home to Hannah in Part Three: Chapter 33?

2. Who gives Lucy a prayer book at her christening?

3. What is Bluey's real first name?

4. What toys does Grace play with and give names to in Part Three: Chapter 31?

5. What children's story does Hannah recall her mother reading to her in Part Three: Chapter 28?

(see the answer keys)

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