The Light Between Oceans Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

M.L. Stedman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Light Between Oceans Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

M.L. Stedman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Isabelle dress the baby in after she first bathes it in Part Two: Chapter 10?
(a) A blue dress.
(b) A white dress.
(c) A pink dress.
(d) A yellow dress.

2. What is Tom's last name?
(a) Sherbourne.
(b) Potts.
(c) Graysmark.
(d) Roennfeldt.

3. When does Tom get news of an urgent vacancy at Janus Rock in Part One: Chapter 1?
(a) March, 1919.
(b) March, 1921.
(c) September, 1922.
(d) June, 1920.

4. Who has been overseeing the lighthouse at Janus Rock for the interim when Tom arrives in Part One: Chapter 3?
(a) Bluey Smith.
(b) Harry Garstone
(c) Neville Whittnish.
(d) Ralph Addicott.

5. What mythological creature does Tom begin dreaming about in Part Two: Chapter 11?
(a) An ogre.
(b) A satyr.
(c) A mermaid.
(d) A phoenix.

6. Why did Trimble Docherty commit suicide?
(a) Grief after his mother.
(b) He was crazy.
(c) Grief after his wife died.
(d) Guilt from a long-ago murder.

7. Who is the keeper that Tom replaces at Janus Rock?
(a) Ralph Addicott.
(b) Septimus Potts.
(c) Bluey Smart.
(d) Trimble Docherty.

8. What does Tom wrap the dead man's body in before burying it in Part Two: Chapter 11?
(a) A sheet of canvas.
(b) A cotton sheet.
(c) A wool blanket.
(d) Leaves from a birch tree.

9. On what date was Tom born?
(a) March 14, 1890.
(b) September 28, 1893.
(c) December 16, 1918.
(d) April 27, 1926.

10. What is the name of the home where Hannah grew up?
(a) Byron Bay.
(b) Bermondsey.
(c) Janus Rock.
(d) Darlinghurst.

11. Who is the keeper of the boardinghouse where Tom stays in Point Partageuse in Part One: Chapter 2?
(a) Trimble Docherty.
(b) Len Bradshaw.
(c) Hannah Roennfeldt.
(d) Mrs. Mewett.

12. What does Isabel designate as Lucy's birthday in Part Two: Chapter 13?
(a) March 12.
(b) January 18.
(c) February 4.
(d) April 27.

13. What fairy tale does Tom read to Lucy after reading the lighthouse keeper's rulebook in Part Two: Chapter 13?
(a) Snow White.
(b) Sleeping Beauty.
(c) The Tale of Peter Rabbit.
(d) Cinderella.

14. Who performs Lucy's christening in Part Two: Chapter 15?
(a) Reverend Addicott.
(b) Reverend Docherty.
(c) Reverend Bradshaw.
(d) Reverend Norkells.

15. Where did Trimble Docherty commit suicide?
(a) Janus Rock.
(b) Albany.
(c) Byron Bay.
(d) Hopetoun.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was the ship that Septimus Potts took to Fremantle as a child?

2. How old does Isabel claim to be when Tom visits her family's home for the first time in Part One: Chapter 5?

3. What did Tom give to Isabel as a wedding gift?

4. What ship is described in the shipwreck of 1889 in the Prologue?

5. How old was Tom when he finally tracked down his mother?

(see the answer keys)

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