The Life We Bury Test | Final Test - Medium

Allen Eskens
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Life We Bury Test | Final Test - Medium

Allen Eskens
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Joe decide to move Carl's case forward?
(a) He decides to get a confession from Doug Lockwood by himself.
(b) He lies about who killed Crystal and hopes the police believe him.
(c) He decides to do the DNA testing at his apartment.
(d) He tries to get the court to throw out the previous conviction based on the diary entries.

2. Why does Detective Rupert tell Joe to contact Boady Sanden?
(a) Boady Sanden works at the Innocence Project.
(b) Boady Sanden knew both Crystal and Carl and might know who DJ is.
(c) Boady Sanden does a lot of forensic work on burn victims.
(d) Boady Sanden will make sure Carl does not get exonerated.

3. Who is Detective Max Rupert?
(a) The man who arrested Carl in 1980.
(b) The head of the police department in Joe's hometown.
(c) A homicide detective in Minneapolis.
(d) A private investigator hired by Joe.

4. Who found Crystal's glasses?
(a) Carl.
(b) Andy.
(c) DJ.
(d) Douglas.

5. How does the author tell about Carl's experience in Vietnam?
(a) Through newspaper articels from the era.
(b) Through Joe's writing assignment.
(c) Through Carl's diary.
(d) Throught a letter from Virgil.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens when Joe loses his temper with Doug?

2. What realization did Carl have while he was in prison?

3. Why is Lila only a sophomore at 21 years old?

4. What does Carl see in the elephant grass that causes him to defy Gibbs' order to shoot?

5. Which person is not a suspect on Joe and Lila's list of possible killers?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Joe say his new goal is while talking to Max Rupert in Chapter 30?

2. How does Joe and Lila's relationship change in Chapter 39?

3. How is Doug Lockwood's house symbolic of the man himself?

4. What does Carl wish to see before he dies?

5. What do Joe and Lila see when they compare pictures of the fire?

6. How did Grandpa Bill die?

7. What two mistakes does Doug make when he kidnaps Joe?

8. Why is it so important that Crystal wore glasses?

9. Why does the local sheriff take Joe to jail instead of home?

10. What does Carl tell Joe about looking into Crystal's murder by himself?

(see the answer keys)

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