The Life of Elizabeth I Test | Final Test - Medium

Alison Weir (historian)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Life of Elizabeth I Test | Final Test - Medium

Alison Weir (historian)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Elizabeth do whenever people thought she was ill?
(a) She would demand a written correction of the rumor.
(b) She would throw fits in her council meetings.
(c) She would make a public display of her health.
(d) She would shut herself in her chamber.

2. Who wrote The Fairie Queen?
(a) Ben Jonson.
(b) Edmund Spenser.
(c) Shakespeare.
(d) Walt Whitman.

3. Why, despite Elizabeth's competency, was England still suspicious of a female monarch?
(a) They were afraid of Elizabeth's power.
(b) They remembered the disaster that was Mary Tudor's reign.
(c) They knew Catherine de' Medici and did not like her.
(d) They did not like Mary Queen of Scots.

4. Besides the Queen, who was the most powerful person in the court?
(a) Leicester.
(b) Essex.
(c) Burghley.
(d) Sussex.

5. Why was the Tudor court nomadic?
(a) It was not fashionable to stay in any one place for more than 48 hours.
(b) The entourage was too big and expensive for one house to host them all.
(c) Subjects were in fierce competition to host the court.
(d) The Queen enjoyed traveling.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why weren't there many women at Elizabeth's court?

2. Of what religious persuasion was Henry III?

3. The Treaty of Blois allied what two countries?

4. What did Elizabeth think was an essential part of a stable state?

5. Who did Catherine de' Medici suggest for Elizabeth to marry, though he was only seventeen?

Short Essay Questions

1. How did Elizabeth cultivate the people's love?

2. Why may Leicester have married Lettice Knollys?

3. Why did Elizabeth decide to execute Essex?

4. What did Burghley's death symbolize?

5. What major changes were taking place in Elizabeth's court?

6. What was courtly love?

7. Why was Elizabeth conflicted about punishing Mary?

8. Why was the Tudor court nomadic?

9. What was the English Enterprise?

10. What were the results of Essex's Ireland campaign?

(see the answer keys)

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