The Librarian of Auschwitz Test | Final Test - Hard

Antonio Iturbe
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Librarian of Auschwitz Test | Final Test - Hard

Antonio Iturbe
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 21, how old is Renee's mother?

2. In Chapter 25, how many additional children arrived in the May transport?

3. What month is it in Chapter 30?

4. In Chapter 23, how many children are in Block 31?

5. In Chapter 17, how many people does Hirsch say have died since September?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Ota's book, The Painted Wall, what is said about Hirsch's death?

2. What happens to Viktor Pestek?

3. In Chapter 31, why do Dita and Liesl have to wait to transfer to Prague?

4. What happens to the Edelstein family?

5. In May of 1944, how many more prisoners arrive in Auschwitz?

6. In Chapter 24, what plan do Rudi and Fred have?

7. In Chapter 28, what factories does Dita remember that she and her mother worked in when they were in Hamburg?

8. What does Rudi find when he looks for Hirsch in Chapter 19?

9. What happens when Dita reads at the end of Chapter 20?

10. In Chapter 30, what were the British soldiers expecting when they freed Bergen-Belsen?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Renee reluctantly spends time with the SS guard Viktor. Why does Viktor spend time with Renee? Why does Renee spend time with Viktor when she does not like him and she is criticized for being with him? Why would Renee like to hate Viktor? How is hate similar to love? Why does Renee believe that a person does not have a choice to love and hate? What is revealed about relationships through the friendship between Viktor and Renee?

Essay Topic 2

Alice is an assistant in Block 31, and her family was wealthy. What is life like for Alice in Auschwitz? What signs are there that she cares about feeling pretty? What does the trade she makes for a headband reveal about Alice and the things she longs for?

Essay Topic 3

Flashbacks are used in the novel. How do flashbacks help readers understand characters and their previous lives? How do flashbacks provide context and contrast the lives of characters in the concentration camp to their previous lives? What purpose do flashbacks serve?

(see the answer keys)

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