The Letter of Marque Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Letter of Marque Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Aubrey anchor Surprise in a deserted bay?
(a) To talk about his plans.
(b) To rest the men.
(c) To check out the ship.
(d) To wait for some information being sent to him.

2. What will Surprise's boats do according to Aubrey's plan?
(a) Sneak into the harbor at night.
(b) Take boarders to the gunboats.
(c) Take a crew from Babbington's ship to shore.
(d) Sneak to the land and tie up the garrison.

3. What did Aubrey say about the laudanum Maturin gave him?
(a) It tasted like brandy.
(b) It didn't help the pain.
(c) It seemed to be too thin.
(d) It tasted like water.

4. How does Aubrey change his plan for taking Diane after the battle is over?
(a) He decides to burn the fort.
(b) He decides to burn the town.
(c) He decides they may as well take the other ships in the harbor.
(d) He decides to scuttle her.

5. What other two ships does Aubrey grab that night besides Diane and the gunboats?
(a) Two cutters.
(b) Two battleships.
(c) Two merchant ships.
(d) Two sloops.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Aubrey intend to get Diane?

2. What does Aubrey do about the incident in question #94?

3. What does Surprise do after she finishes with the task in question #121?

4. What does Aubrey decide must be done?

5. Where does Sir Joseph say Diana has gone?

Short Essay Questions

1. How did the crew respond to Aubrey's orders concerning the incident in question #31?

2. What does Surprise do after her encounter with Spartan and what do Martin and Maturin do?

3. How does Babbington respond to Aubrey's request?

4. Describe the taking of the Diane and what happens to her immediately afterward.

5. Why is Aubrey driven to succeed in taking Diane?

6. What is the final outcome about the incident in question #31?

7. What does Maturin tell Sir Joseph about Aubrey's circumstances and what Aubrey hopes?

8. Maturin and Martin discuss literature and what? What does Maturin insist about tragedy?

9. What happens while the crew struggle to free Diane? How is Aubrey injured?

10. What does Aubrey do about the crew's response in question #32?

(see the answer keys)

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