The Letter of Marque Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Letter of Marque Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Surprise do after she finishes with the task in question #121?
(a) Beds down for the night.
(b) Sneaks into shore.
(c) Moves towards the open sea.
(d) Lowers her flag.

2. What is Aubrey's response to being told a pardon would be seriously considered?
(a) He would apply right away.
(b) He wouldn't ask for one.
(c) He would think about it.
(d) He would talk to his lawyer.

3. How is Maturin's laudanum being weakened?
(a) With wine.
(b) With water.
(c) With brandy.
(d) With whiskey.

4. Who attended the event Joseph organized?
(a) Aubrey's family and friends.
(b) The city council.
(c) The majority of the Admiralty.
(d) Influential persons and Aubrey.

5. What will Surprise do according to the plans to capture Diane?
(a) Fire on the battery as a distraction.
(b) Ram the gunboats protecting Diane.
(c) Wait for Diane to leave harbor.
(d) Close with Diane with grappling hooks.

6. After the task in question #122, what does Surprise do?
(a) Goes towards shore and lower the boats.
(b) Pulls up along side Diane.
(c) Rams the gunboats.
(d) Goes towards shore and fires her guns.

7. What does Aubrey feel during the battle over Diane?
(a) A knife slice on his arm.
(b) His ankle being broken with a kick.
(c) Someone bash his head.
(d) Like he was kicked in the back.

8. How did the event Joseph organized turn out?
(a) Tedious but successful.
(b) It was boring and most people left early.
(c) A riot was started.
(d) Aubrey fell asleep from too much laudanum.

9. What does Aubrey do about the incident in question #94?
(a) Has the men who did it whipped.
(b) Fine the men who did it.
(c) Tells them to remove it.
(d) Fire the men who did it.

10. What other two ships does Aubrey grab that night besides Diane and the gunboats?
(a) Two sloops.
(b) Two battleships.
(c) Two cutters.
(d) Two merchant ships.

11. Why does Aubrey anchor Surprise in a deserted bay?
(a) To wait for some information being sent to him.
(b) To talk about his plans.
(c) To rest the men.
(d) To check out the ship.

12. Why does Aubrey care what the men did to Surprise?
(a) It was ugly.
(b) It wasn't safe.
(c) It was in the way.
(d) She must maintain proper appearance.

13. Where does Aubrey get information about Sethianism?
(a) Tom Pullings.
(b) Sophie.
(c) Martin.
(d) Maturin.

14. Where does Surprise go after finishing with Spartan?
(a) England.
(b) France.
(c) Spain.
(d) America.

15. Why does Maturin want news about Diana?
(a) She is his wife.
(b) She is his sister.
(c) She is a well known actress.
(d) She is Sir Joseph's wife.

Short Answer Questions

1. What has the men on Surprise who are interested in Sethianism done?

2. What does Aubrey do shortly after he renders his judgment on what was done to Surprise?

3. With whom did Diana leave England?

4. Who/What comes out to fight Aubrey's crew?

5. At what does Babbington marvel?

(see the answer keys)

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