The Leopard Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Leopard Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does the Prince consider the vote in Chapter 3, Part 2?
(a) Historically significant.
(b) Historically insignificant.
(c) Locally significant, but not historically.
(d) Locally insignificant, but historical.

2. How does the Prince perceive his life as he dances with Angelica?
(a) Exactly as he hoped it would be.
(b) Boring, but not disappointing.
(c) Disappointing, but not boring.
(d) Boring and disappointing.

3. How does the Prince consider Concetta's son?
(a) Shallow.
(b) Naive.
(c) Selfish.
(d) Dangerous.

4. What is the reason the Prince is chosen to sit as a member of the Senate?
(a) The marriage of Tancredi and Angelica.
(b) Tancredi's position in the army.
(c) His wealth.
(d) His aristocratic background.

5. What tires the Prince in Chapter 7?
(a) A routine visit to a doctor.
(b) A last minute visit to a doctor.
(c) A walk in the garden.
(d) A visit to a friend's house.

6. What is the rumor about the relics that the Salina sisters have in their house?
(a) They are worth more than the sisters are aware of.
(b) They might be stolen.
(c) They are worth less than the sisters are aware of.
(d) They might not be authentic.

7. How does Pirrone describe the Prince's reaction to the revolution in his speech?
(a) He says the the Prince's reaction is inexusable.
(b) He says that the Prince's reaction is foolish.
(c) He says that the Prince's reaction is justified.
(d) He says that the Prince has no reaction.

8. Where is Sarina when Pirrone talks to her the day after his speech?
(a) In a carriage outside of the house.
(b) In the kitchen.
(c) In the sitting room.
(d) In the garden.

9. What does the Prince tell Chevalley that he and other Sicilians have no interest in?
(a) Understanding government.
(b) Money.
(c) The rebellion.
(d) Being involved in government.

10. What does Pirrone realize at the end of Chapter 5?
(a) Peasantry is much better than aristocracy.
(b) Aristocracy is much better than peasantry.
(c) Aristocracy and the peasantry are less alike than he thought.
(d) Aristocracy and the peasantry are more alike than he thought.

11. How does the Prince describe Sicily's way of thinking to Chevalley?
(a) Old, but not tired.
(b) New and rejuvenated.
(c) Old and tired.
(d) New, but not rejuvenated.

12. What has not affected Angelica, according to Ciccio?
(a) Her family's intelligence.
(b) The town's appreciation for her.
(c) The town's dislike for her.
(d) Her family's coarseness.

13. How are the Count's initial attempts to pursue Concetta received?
(a) She is very receptive to them.
(b) She is slightly receptive to them.
(c) She is reluctantly receptive to them.
(d) She is not receptive to them.

14. What does Concetta represent to the Prince at the end of his life?
(a) All that is good and noble.
(b) Wealth and sophistication.
(c) Confidence and intelligence.
(d) All that is fair and unpredictable.

15. How is Carolina described in Chapter 8?
(a) Soft-spoken.
(b) Serious.
(c) Humorous.
(d) Blunt.

Short Answer Questions

1. How close is Angelica to acquiring the title of Baroness in Chapter 3, Part 2?

2. How long is the Prince's life?

3. How does the Prince tell Ciccio that Angelica should be spoken about, now that she will marry Tancredi?

4. How does the Prince get home after the ball?

5. How is Pirrone greeted when he visits his hometown?

(see the answer keys)

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