The Leopard Hunts in Darkness Test | Final Test - Medium

Wilbur Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Leopard Hunts in Darkness Test | Final Test - Medium

Wilbur Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where do Craig and the warriors stop for help on their way to the prison?
(a) Sarah's father's village.
(b) The US Embassy.
(c) A Matabele training mission.
(d) King's Lynn.

2. Where are King Lobengula's remains and the diamonds hidden?
(a) Forty feet below the surface of a cave lake.
(b) Inside the highest hill in Zimbabwe.
(c) Underneath a great Marula tree near the Botswana border.
(d) On the property of King's Lynn.

3. While in the tomb, why does Tungata change his name back to his given name of Samson?
(a) Because Sarah asks him to.
(b) To honor Vusamanzi.
(c) To confuse Peter once they escape.
(d) To claim his tribal heritage.

4. Craig and Sally-Anne must leave Captain Nbebi behind because he is mortally wounded. What do they leave with him?
(a) A rifle.
(b) A grenade.
(c) A knife.
(d) Both a grenade and a rifle.

5. The next time Peter calls for Tungata he has Sarah. Where is Peter holding Sarah?
(a) She is chained to the execution wall.
(b) She is being tortured in the same way with a snake.
(c) She is in front of the firing squad.
(d) She is in a prison cell.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Craig not hurt although he is shot at while trying to rescue Tungata?

2. What poisonous snake does Peter use to torture Tungata?

3. What is the first thing Craig, Sarah and Sally-Anne do when the Cessna arrives?

4. How do Craig and his group know that Peter is on his way to the caverns?

5. Once they find a way out of Lobengula's tomb, what do Craig and Tungata do?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why do Craig and Tungata leave the cavern?

2. Who is Colonel Nikolai Bukharin?

3. How does Peter torture Tungata?

4. What disturbing news does Morgan Oxford deliver to Craig and Sally-Anne?

5. How do Craig and Tungata overtake Peter's headquarters?

6. How do Craig, Sally-Anne, Sarah and Tungata spend their time in the caverns?

7. How do Craig, Captain Nbebi and Sally-Anne work together to try and avoid being killed?

8. How are Craig and the others who survived the prison rescue able to leave the prison?

9. What happens when Craig and Sally-Anne are found by Botswana police?

10. What is Tungata's state since going to prison?

(see the answer keys)

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