The Leopard Hunts in Darkness Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Wilbur Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Leopard Hunts in Darkness Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Wilbur Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Peter feel about Craig's plans for Chizarira?
(a) Peter warns Craig not to go forward with his plans.
(b) Peter offers to help Craig financially.
(c) Peter gives Craig new ideas on improving the land.
(d) Peter tells Craig it is a waste of money.

2. How does the government respond to Craig Mellow's obsession?
(a) He is told the government will help in any way possible.
(b) He is asked to leave the country for good.
(c) His life is threatened.
(d) He is told to work on his own with no help from any cabinet members.

3. What is the Matabele name given to Craig?
(a) Zambezi.
(b) Tungata.
(c) Kuphela.
(d) Zebiwe.

4. Where do the Matabele Warriors escort Craig to?
(a) Great West Road.
(b) Great East Road.
(c) Great North Road.
(d) Great South Road.

5. What does Craig fly back to New York to do?
(a) Sell his apartment.
(b) Sell Bawu.
(c) Publish his book.
(d) Report to Henry.

6. What does the officer in charge do while the elephants lie dying?
(a) He looks on with remorse.
(b) He cries.
(c) He walks around inspecting their tusks.
(d) He takes a nap.

7. When they were younger why did both Craig and Tungata quit their jobs?
(a) They throught destroying the bush was wrong.
(b) They thought moving the Matabele was wrong.
(c) They felt culling elephants was wrong.
(d) They felt removing an elephant's tusks was wrong.

8. What part do Craig and Sally-Anne play in Tungata's trial?
(a) They are not involved in the trial.
(b) They both testify.
(c) They turn over video tapes of the set-up.
(d) They turn over photographs of the set-up.

9. What does Craig stumble across that makes him reflect on his life?
(a) A letter from an old friend.
(b) A journal from high school.
(c) Notes from the first book he wrote.
(d) Pictures from his childhood.

10. What is the name of the organization that Craig Mellow works for?
(a) Bank of Africa.
(b) World Bank.
(c) Unicef.
(d) World Vision.

11. How long does it take to bring Tungata to trial after the set-up?
(a) 1 month.
(b) 6 months.
(c) 10 days.
(d) 1 week.

12. When Craig returns to his hotel room at the end of Section 3 what does he learn?
(a) Henry Pickering is waiting for him.
(b) The military have been to his room.
(c) He has been asked to leave by the government.
(d) Someone anonymously paid for his room.

13. How much do the owners of Rholands Ranching Company want for the land?
(a) $1,000,000.
(b) $500,000.
(c) $250,000.
(d) $750,000.

14. How is Craig received when he visits old friends of his family in Zimbabwe?
(a) He is threatened.
(b) Warmly.
(c) Indifferently.
(d) He is politely asked to leave.

15. When Craig arrives at King's Lynn what does he see?
(a) Dozens of grazing goats.
(b) A rebel base camp.
(c) An elephant family living on the land.
(d) A fence around the property.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is killed Matabele-style?

2. Who comes to warn Craig that rebels are coming?

3. Where does Craig get his news concerning the state of Zimbabwe?

4. What promise does Craig make to the Matabele Warriors?

5. How does Craig feel about Tungata's sentence?

(see the answer keys)

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