The Lemonade War Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Jacqueline Davies
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Lemonade War Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Jacqueline Davies
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 7 - 8.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Jessie first meet at Megan's house on her second day of selling?
(a) Carly Brownell.
(b) Jack Smith.
(c) Scott Spencer.
(d) Megan Moriarty.

2. Who are Evan's customers on Friday (Chapter 7)?
(a) Workers, teachers, and store-owners.
(b) High school students with a lot of money.
(c) Workers, kids, and old people.
(d) No one comes to buy lemonade.

3. What is the bet Jessie makes with Evan?
(a) Whoever earns $50 wins.
(b) Whoever makes the most friends wins.
(c) Whoever makes the most lemonade wins.
(d) Whoever earns a $100 wins.

4. Where are Evan and Paul going when Jessie goes back to her house after her second day of selling?
(a) They are going to sell lemonade.
(b) They are going to Jack's to play in the pool.
(c) They are going to shoot hoops.
(d) They are going down to the tracks.

5. What is the nickname Evan uses for Jessie that she hates?
(a) Juicy.
(b) Baby.
(c) Grumpminster Funk
(d) Whiner Winyson.

Short Answer Questions

1. What promise does Jessie make to Megan after selling on Saturday?

2. Where does Evan go to sell lemonade in Chapter 7?

3. What is Jessie's worst subject?

4. How does Jessie describe receipts?

5. What does Evan use to carry the lemonade materials in Chapter 7?

(see the answer key)

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