The Leftovers Test | Final Test - Easy

Tom Perrotta
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Leftovers Test | Final Test - Easy

Tom Perrotta
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Gary's companion on Christmas Day when he is confronted by Meg?
(a) Sarah.
(b) Emily.
(c) Mary.
(d) Gina.

2. Where had Nora gone for her honeymoon?
(a) New York.
(b) Germany.
(c) Hawaii.
(d) Paris.

3. What physical activity does Nora frequently engage in after the Sudden Departure?
(a) Yoga.
(b) Mountain-climbing.
(c) Biking.
(d) Jogging.

4. How have Tom and Christine made their way from San Francisco to Denver in Part Three?
(a) By airplane.
(b) By hitchhiking.
(c) By bus.
(d) By a rental car.

5. Who has given Aimee her new job in Part Four?
(a) Phil.
(b) James.
(c) Mark.
(d) Derek.

6. Who had been Nora's favorite college boyfriend?
(a) Brian.
(b) Steve.
(c) Mark.
(d) .James.

7. What was the name of the liquor store chain that Kevin's family owned prior to the Sudden Departure?
(a) Patriot Liquor Megastores.
(b) St. Gabriel Liquors and More.
(c) Liquor and Lollipops.
(d) Liquor Expo and Exports.

8. What condition led to the paralysis of Nora's great-aunt May's face?
(a) Epilepsy.
(b) Bell's palsy.
(c) Cerebral palsy.
(d) Stroke.

9. What does the coffee cup say that Jill gives to Kevin for Christmas in Part Three?
(a) Home of the Brave.
(b) #1 Mom.
(c) #1 Dad.
(d) World's Best Mayor.

10. Where were Tom and Christine mugged at knife-point on their cross-country journey?
(a) New York.
(b) Philadelphia.
(c) San Francisco.
(d) Chicago.

11. What establishment does Tom tell Henning to go to in order to get initiated with the Barefoot People in San Francisco?
(a) Asbury St. Bakery.
(b) The Blackfoot Lodge.
(c) Wilson's Diner.
(d) Elmore's Cafe.

12. Who is Eggy's departed fiancee and a former Kennedy School grad student?
(a) Adrian.
(b) Emily.
(c) Michelle.
(d) Anna.

13. What author is Tom nicknamed after by the Barefoot People in Part Four?
(a) Ernest Hemingway.
(b) Samuel Beckett.
(c) Jack London.
(d) Jack Kerouac.

14. Where does Tom tell Henning he and Christina are coming from at the bus station in Part Three?
(a) Phoenix.
(b) Boston.
(c) Los Angeles.
(d) New York.

15. How much money did Kevin and Laurie pay for their home?
(a) $500,000.
(b) $1.6 million.
(c) $2.1 million.
(d) $780,000.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who has assigned Laurie and Meg to Outpost 17?

2. Where are Tom and Christine staying with the Falks in Part Four?

3. By what nickname does Henning call Tom in the narrative?

4. What color hair does Gus have?

5. Where has Aimee taken a job in Part Four?

(see the answer keys)

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