The Leftovers Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Tom Perrotta
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Leftovers Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Tom Perrotta
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many years of Tribulation are to follow the Rapture, according to Rosalie's interpretation of the Bible in the Prologue?
(a) 9.
(b) 3.
(c) 5.
(d) 7.

2. Who is the focus of the newsletter that Reverend Jamison gives to Nora in Part Two?
(a) Liz Yamamoto.
(b) Doug Durst.
(c) Anna Ford.
(d) Steve Wiscziewski.

3. What items are prohibited in the GR headquarters?
(a) Any items of clothing.
(b) Toothbrushes.
(c) Mirrors.
(d) Bathtubs.

4. What is Ken Garvey's position in Mapleton when the novel begins?
(a) Sheriff.
(b) Mayor.
(c) Tax Assessor.
(d) Police Chief.

5. What are the names of Nora Durst's children that she lost on the day of the Sudden Departure?
(a) Jeremy and Erin.
(b) Paul and Emily.
(c) Mark and Christina.
(d) Steve and Sarah.

6. Where did Reverend Matt Jamison preach prior to the Sudden Departure?
(a) The Main Street Presbyterian Church.
(b) The Church of Latter Day Saints.
(c) St. Mary Catholic Church.
(d) Zion Baptist Church.

7. What does "The Carpe Diem" refer to?
(a) A cult.
(b) A thrift store.
(c) A barber shop.
(d) A bar.

8. What is Arthur Donovan's marital status?
(a) Married.
(b) Never married.
(c) Divorced.
(d) Separated.

9. Who is Jill's high school chemistry teacher?
(a) Mr. Anderson.
(b) Mr. Keating.
(c) Mr. Washburn.
(d) Mr. Skandarian.

10. What are the names of Tom's housemates when Christine comes to him in Part One?
(a) Max and Luis.
(b) Julian and Gus.
(c) James and Paul.
(d) Andrew and Jess.

11. Where do Aimee and Jill spend the morning when Jill misses her chemistry test in Part One?
(a) Dunkin' Donuts.
(b) Kentucky Fried Chicken.
(c) Panera.
(d) McDonald's.

12. How did Laurie Garvey define her family's religious beliefs to her children when they were young?
(a) "We're agnostics."
(b) "We're atheists."
(c) "We're Jewish."
(d) "We're Catholic."

13. Who does Jill "Get a Room" with during the game in Part Two?
(a) Max.
(b) Jack.
(c) Jeremy.
(d) Paul.

14. What is the name of Nora Durst's husband who disappeared on the day of the Sudden Departure?
(a) Phil.
(b) Doug.
(c) James.
(d) Mark.

15. Who was the incumbent Kevin Gavin beat in a landslide victory for his political position in Mapleton?
(a) Troy Vincent.
(b) Ralph Sorrento.
(c) Rick Malvern.
(d) Stan Washburn.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of Nora's sister with whom she lives after losing her family?

2. Who was the popular girl at Jill's school that led the clique her friend Jen had become part before the Sudden Departure?

3. What is the name of Meg's former fiance?

4. How many children did Nora Durst lose on Sudden Departure day?

5. On what date did the Sudden Departure occur?

(see the answer keys)

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