The Last Wish: Introducing The Witcher Test | Final Test - Medium

Sapkowski, Andrzej
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Last Wish: Introducing The Witcher Test | Final Test - Medium

Sapkowski, Andrzej
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy The Last Wish: Introducing The Witcher Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Geralt want to see before he carries out Nettly's task?
(a) The moon.
(b) His wife.
(c) The devil.
(d) His mother.

2. What is strapped to the back of Calanthe's chair?
(a) A dagger.
(b) A bow and arrow.
(c) Geralt's sword.
(d) A gun.

3. Who is furious with Geralt?
(a) Nenneke.
(b) Dandilion.
(c) Yennefer.
(d) Renfri.

4. What does Urcheon's curse to do him from dawn to dusk?
(a) Turns him into a horse.
(b) Makes him evil.
(c) Makes him ugly.
(d) Turns him into a dog.

5. What does Geralt tell Iola he has always done?
(a) Been a witcher.
(b) Hated monsters.
(c) Kept to his principles.
(d) Hated mankind.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who protests the punishment of Geralt and Dandilion?

2. Where does Geralt meet a sylvan?

3. How does Geralt get into a merchant's house?

4. Who apologizes to Geralt for being captured?

5. Whose live does Geralt try to spare?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Lillie help Geralt and Dandilion when they are about to die?

2. What does Nettly tell Geralt when they meet?

3. Who is Urcheon?

4. Who is Torque?

5. What task is Yennefer set on completing by herself?

6. What does Geralt say to Iola?

7. Who does Geralt seek out to heal Dandilion?

8. What did King Roegner promise Urcheon?

9. Why is Geralt groomed and dressed in A Question of Price?

10. What does Dandilion find when he and Geralt are fishing?

(see the answer keys)

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