The Last of the Menu Girls Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Denise Chavez
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Last of the Menu Girls Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Denise Chavez
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where do Rocio's neighbors send their eldest son to live?

2. Who is the young man whom Rocio secretly admires?

3. What is the subject matter of the home movies in Nieves' closet?

4. What is the main course at the Esquibel's family Christmas dinner?

5. Which aspect of Christmas is not mentioned in relation to the Esquibels' yuletide observance?

Short Essay Questions

1. What factors noted in the Willow Game section of the book contribute toward the existence of harmony on the "down" side of the street where Rocio lives?

2. Based on the story in the Evening in Paris section of the book, what best illustrates a lack of harmony between Rocio and her mother in terms of value and taste?

3. How is Nieves' attitude toward her career as a school teacher depicted via the items in her closet?

4. Based on the the text in the Evening in Paris section of the book, how do Rocio and her mother, Nieves share or differ in the manner that they go about acquiring gifts for their loved ones?

5. According to the narrative in the Willow Game section of the book, aside from the trees in the neighborhood, is there anything or anyone that remains a constant in Rocio's life?

6. Based on the text in the Evening in Paris section of the book, does religion play a role in the celebration of Christmas in Rocio's household?

7. Based on the narrative in the Willow Game section of the book, what are some of the transition-type changes involving some young people in her neighborhood that Rocio observes as she is growing up?

8. Based on the text in the Evening in Paris section of the book, what events described therein contribute toward Rocio's resolve to not grow up to be like her mother, Nieves?

9. Based on the narrative in the Willow Game section of the book, can you describe the individuals who live in the "down" section of Rocio's street?

10. Based on the narrative in The Closet section of the book, what does Rocio's closet reveal about her?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Does Rocio maintain a close or distant relationship with her sister, Mercy throughout the book? Please elaborate on your position by citing text from the book.

Essay Topic 2

Although the Athertons who live next door to Rocio are mentioned as permanent fixtures in prominent fashion at the beginning of the he story, unlike other lesser-mentioned neighbors' , (e.g., the two boys who move away and get wealthy, and Rocio's cousin who moves away), the reader is never apprised of their ultimate fate. What are your thoughts on what may have happened to Mr. and Mrs. Atherton and their son, Ricky by the time that Rocio and Mercy grew up and left home at the end of the book?

Essay Topic 3

In college and rooming with her boyfriend, Loudon, Rocio entertains thoughts of escaping to the arms of one of Loudon's friends, and getting a place of her own. Explain how certain events in Rocio's life prior to college, as described in the book, are likely to have foreshadowed her desire to change her collegiate love interest and living arrangements.

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