The Last of the Menu Girls Test | Final Test - Medium

Denise Chavez
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Last of the Menu Girls Test | Final Test - Medium

Denise Chavez
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Nita Wembley turn out to be?
(a) A cheerleader.
(b) The mother of a child whom Rocio knows.
(c) A Justice of the Peace.
(d) The local beautician.

2. Which of the following is associated with Rocio's job at the University?
(a) Her student loan.
(b) Her personal interest.
(c) Her assistanceship.
(d) Federal Work-Study Program.

3. What does Rocio discover about herself toward the end of the Shooting Stars section of the book?
(a) That she is a beautiful person who does not need to model herself after anyone.
(b) That somehow she has managed to earn the highest grades among her classmates.
(c) That her life is just beginning even though she is an adolescent who has lived over a decade.
(d) That she is growing up and is likely to learn a lot about life along the way.

4. Who is Joseph Pappas?
(a) Rocio's uncle.
(b) A young man whom Rocio admires.
(c) One of Rocio's professors.
(d) The postman.

5. What event inspired Rocio not to pursue a career in medicine?
(a) The death of her great uncle.
(b) Her visit to a faith healer at the age of eight (8).
(c) The death of her great aunt.
(d) Her six-week stay in the hospital due to hepatitis.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following does Rocio's job entail?

2. Who played an imaginary piano and returned to a child-like state?

3. Where does the smoking and pawing of shoulders involving Rocio's distant relative take place as described in the Shooting Stars section of the book?

4. Which of the following does Rocio's friend, Diana, end up raising?

5. What does Rocio plan to do once her job is over?

Short Essay Questions

1. What clues are included in the narrative of the Space is a Solid section of the book, that indicate that Rocio may not really be interested in a long-term relationship with Loudon?

2. According to the narrative in the Shooting Stars section of the book, is Rocio more impressed with Josie Marquez's wealth; or the beauty enhancements that she apparently applies to herself?

3. Based on the narrative of the Space is a Solid section of the book, why is Rocio not happy with her current life?

4. According to the narrative in the Shooting Stars section of the book, what activities does Eloisa engage in that shatter Rocio's illusory image of her?

5. According to the narrative in the Space is a Solid section of the book, how can Nita Wembley be characterized?

6. According to the narrative in The Last of the Menu Girls section of the book, what does Rocio's training in the medical field consist of during the time that she works at the hospital?

7. Based on the narrative in the Shooting Stars section of the book, what mental and emotional exercises that she experiences through her association with Eloisa does Rocio repeat with Diana?

8. Based on the narrative of the Space is a Solid section of the book, what does Rocio do that changes Nita Wembley's opinion about her to the point of threatening to report her to the drama department head at the college?

9. Based on the text in The Last of the Menu Girls section of the book, what were some of the factors that contributed to Rocio's decision not to pursue a career in the medical field?

10. According to the Shooting Stars section of the book, is there a single factor that contributes toward Rocio being able to gain a positive outlook on herself, her worthiness, and an apparent realization that she will not need to adjust her life to be like that of Eloisa's, Diana's, Josie's, or Barbara's in order to attain happiness?

(see the answer keys)

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