The Last of the Menu Girls Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Denise Chavez
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Last of the Menu Girls Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Denise Chavez
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who has divided Rocio's street into different parts?
(a) The state Governor.
(b) Rocio and other children who live on her same block.
(c) The town's mayor.
(d) The Homeowners' Association

2. What is the name of Rocio's neighbors' eldest son?
(a) Larry.
(b) Donny.
(c) Ricky.
(d) Lonny.

3. Where has Rocio's father moved?
(a) To southern Maine.
(b) To northern Texas.
(c) To northern New Mexico.
(d) To upstate New York.

4. Who narrates the story?
(a) Mercy.
(b) Rocio.
(c) Ricky.
(d) Nieves.

5. What does Rocio do in relation to the small window in the bathroom?
(a) She decorates it with a curtain.
(b) She hangs a prism over its glass portion.
(c) She smokes and exhales out the window.
(d) She complains that it is too small.

6. What type of level is determined and assigned to the residents of Rocio's street, depending on the location of certain trees?
(a) Intellectual.
(b) Economic.
(c) Age.
(d) Geographic.

7. Who wore Nieves' wedding dress for her own wedding?
(a) Ronelia.
(b) Eva.
(c) Teresa.
(d) Maricela.

8. What type of dessert is served as part of the Esquibel's family Christmas dinner?
(a) Flan.
(b) Apple pie.
(c) Baked Alaska.
(d) Empanadas.

9. Who does Rocio tell about the imaginary rooms that she "visits" in her dreams?
(a) Ricky.
(b) Mercy.
(c) Eddie.
(d) Nieves.

10. Where do Rocio's neighbors send their eldest son to live?
(a) To a home for disturbed boys.
(b) To a prep school in England.
(c) To his Uncle Earlon's.
(d) To his Aunt Dorothy's.

11. Whose image appears in the luminescent sliding picture in Nieves' closet?
(a) Rocio's.
(b) Jesus'.
(c) Plato's.
(d) Nieves'.

12. Which of the following set types of everyday work apparel can be found in Nieves' closet?
(a) Stockings.
(b) Shoes.
(c) Scarves.
(d) Belts,

13. Which of the following gifts does Nieves remember giving to Rocio one Christmas?
(a) Her first bicycle.
(b) A book of poiems.
(c) Nieves does not remember what gift she has given to Rocio.
(d) Her first Barbie doll.

14. How does Rocio feel about the celebration of Christmas at her house?
(a) She resents it.
(b) She thinks that it is too festive for her taste.
(c) She thoroughly enjoys it.
(d) She looks forward to it.

15. What does the ashtray with cigarette butts that Nieves keeps on a shelf close to the table supposed to signify?
(a) Smoking kills.
(b) The last time that Rocio and Mercy's father visited them.
(c) Do not smoke in this house.
(d) The last time that Nieves lit up a cigarette.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following item types are among those found on the shelves in Nieves' closet?

2. Who is the recipient of most of the presents under the Esquibel family Christmas tree?

3. Ultimately, where do Rocio's dreams take her?

4. What do Rocio and Mercy do instead of taking an imposed nap?

5. What does Rocio see as she is "flying" into the universe?

(see the answer keys)

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