The Last of the Just Test | Final Test - Medium

André Schwarz-Bart
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Last of the Just Test | Final Test - Medium

André Schwarz-Bart
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. While the Jewish children in Germany are being taught self-destruction, what are the German children taught?
(a) Compassion.
(b) Pride.
(c) Murder.
(d) Self-hate.

2. How is Golda, the red-haired girl Ernie rescues from the Nazi bullies, deformed?
(a) One leg is shorter.
(b) One arm is longer.
(c) One foot is larger.
(d) One hand is paralyzed.

3. How does the Levy family support itself in Paris at first?
(a) On Mordecai's crystal work.
(b) On Benjamin's tailoring.
(c) On state subsidies.
(d) On their savings.

4. What penance does Ernie impose upon himself for not loving the farmer's wife who took him in?
(a) Displaying great passion.
(b) Doing all the farm work.
(c) Being kind.
(d) Refusing her good cooking.

5. Why did the Jews in Germany not believe the warning signs of their destruction?
(a) They believed their suffering served an ultimate purpose.
(b) They did not believe the Nazis would lie.
(c) They did not believe that human beings could behave like the Nazis.
(d) They believed God would ultimately rescue them.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Ernie call the members of The Association that pleases them?

2. What do Golda and Ernie decide there is no time left to do?

3. Why does Herschel Grynszpan's action frighten all German Jews?

4. How did the democracies of the world respond to German anti-semitism?

5. What does Ernie believe is written on his face?

Short Essay Questions

1. What do the old men of The Association of Zemyock say it is useless to do with any Levy?

2. Why do the children scream when the boxcar stops?

3. What causes the Levy family the first tinge of fear that life in France will be the equivalent of their lives in Germany?

4. Why does the French army captain think that Ernie should not be allowed to continue as a soldier?

5. What does Ernie do to turn himself into a dog?

6. Why did the colored identity cards give the Jews a false sense of security?

7. Why does Madame Trochu, the farmer's wife, distrust Ernie?

8. What details alert Ernie to the fact that the passengers will never leave this place?

9. Why does Mordecai say it would be useless to leave Germany?

10. What changes does Madame Trochu make when she understands that Ernie is a Jew?

(see the answer keys)

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