The Last of the Just Test | Final Test - Easy

André Schwarz-Bart
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Last of the Just Test | Final Test - Easy

André Schwarz-Bart
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Ernie tells Golda that Jesus was _____________.
(a) A symbol of war and division.
(b) The first fascist.
(c) An innocent victim of men's greed.
(d) An old-fashioned Jewish Just Man.

2. How long does Ernie stay in the hospital?
(a) Two months.
(b) Two weeks.
(c) Two years.
(d) Two days.

3. What does the farmer's wife find out that changes her attitude toward Ernie?
(a) An Israelite is a Jew.
(b) Ernie is not French.
(c) Ernie is an Israelite.
(d) Pierre is coming home.

4. What does Herschel Grynszpan do that affects all Jews in Germany?
(a) Attempts to shoot the Fuehrer.
(b) Shoots a Nazi officer.
(c) Shoots his mother and his father.
(d) Shoots the secretary of the German embassy in Paris.

5. What unusual request does Ernie make of the gendarmes in Drancy?
(a) Exemption from the concentration camp.
(b) Admission to the concentration camp.
(c) A visitor's pass to the concentration camp.
(d) Identification of the concentration camp's inhabitants.

6. Where did Ernie find work in 1943?
(a) A crystal maker's.
(b) A furrier's.
(c) A baker's.
(d) A tailor's.

7. What did the SS man instruct the prisoners that the gas in the bathhouse would do?
(a) Disinfect and strengthen the lungs.
(b) Make breathing easier.
(c) Prevent pain.
(d) Free them from this world.

8. Why did the Jews in Germany not believe the warning signs of their destruction?
(a) They believed God would ultimately rescue them.
(b) They did not believe that human beings could behave like the Nazis.
(c) They believed their suffering served an ultimate purpose.
(d) They did not believe the Nazis would lie.

9. What does the SS officer suspect Ernie of doing?
(a) Spying for the Americans.
(b) Trying to carry a message into the camp.
(c) Trying to get a message out from the camp.
(d) Spying for the Russians.

10. What does Ernie dream as he is being repaired in the Jewish hospital?
(a) He is a child at home.
(b) He has died and gone to heaven.
(c) He has returned to Stillenstadt.
(d) He is being married.

11. What was Ernie's assignment in the French army?
(a) Infantryman.
(b) Stretcher bearer.
(c) Cook.
(d) Calvary man.

12. When France surrenders, what happens to Ernie's family interred at Gurs?
(a) They are deported.
(b) They are delivered to Nazi extermination camps.
(c) They are set free.
(d) They are shot.

13. Why does Herschel Grynszpan's action frighten all German Jews?
(a) Police would search everywhere for him.
(b) He would be executed.
(c) They would be deported.
(d) There would be Nazi retribution.

14. Why is it easy to find work in the Rhone Valley in 1942?
(a) It is a year of abundant crops.
(b) Many towns and villages are rebuilding.
(c) There are no men left in the countryside.
(d) The area is industrializing.

15. What happens to Ernie's body when he gets out of the boxcar?
(a) His wounds bleed.
(b) He sweats blood.
(c) He weeps blood.
(d) His ears bleed.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who takes Ernie's attention from Golda as they travel in the freight car?

2. What do Golda and Ernie decide there is no time left to do?

3. What does Ernie's moustache cause him to resemble?

4. What do the Jews of Proskurov do to save themselves from persecution?

5. To the Germans the Levys are Jews, but what are they to the French?

(see the answer keys)

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