The Last Mission Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Last Mission Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Jack hope Dave is doing to discourage shooters?
(a) Playing dead.
(b) Hiding.
(c) Shooting back.
(d) Running.

2. While traveling in Part 3, Chapter 17, what country's plane flies over Jack, Stan, and the German soldiers and opens fire?
(a) England.
(b) Japan.
(c) Russia.
(d) America.

3. What does Jack worry about after he jumps from the plane?
(a) He might have bailed too soon.
(b) Crashing to the ground.
(c) Leaving Chuckie alone.
(d) His parachute will not open quickly enough.

4. After breaking free of their imprisonment, what does a soldier tell Jack and Stan?
(a) The Germans have won.
(b) The Russians are coming.
(c) The Japanese are coming.
(d) The war is over.

5. What does Jack see one of his crewmates doing in an effort to try and escape the bullets flying around him?
(a) Cut his parachute cords.
(b) Climb his cords.
(c) Use a flak jacket as a shield.
(d) Flail around.

6. When Jack lands after jumping from his plane, why does he not immediately bury his parachute?
(a) The ground is too tough.
(b) He has a wounded arm.
(c) He is captured.
(d) He can hear footsteps coming toward him.

7. What happens to Chuckie during the final mission?
(a) He jumps from the plane, but is saved by his parachute.
(b) He dies.
(c) He loses his leg.
(d) He is almost hit by a stray bullet.

8. After being captured and while on the bus, what does Jack call out to the other passengers?
(a) Proclaims that he's an American.
(b) The names of his crewmembers.
(c) Screams obscenities at the Germans.
(d) Yells for help.

9. Why is Jack confused about this final mission?
(a) He thought there would be many more missions since the war has not ended.
(b) He does not understand why they are bombing this particular city.
(c) The war in Europe is reported to be nearly at an end.
(d) He thought they were out of bombs.

10. What does one of the German guards blame the Americans for?
(a) The lack of food.
(b) The death of his fallen comrade.
(c) The death of his family.
(d) The lack of fuel to fly his plane.

11. After rushing from the house he broke into, what does Jack not notice as he comes to a town?
(a) A check point with soldiers.
(b) Allied soldiers hiding.
(c) A barbed wire fence.
(d) German soldiers camping in the woods.

12. What occurred a few short weeks before Jack is assigned his final mission?
(a) He was wounded.
(b) His birthday.
(c) His furlough.
(d) He called home.

13. What do two soldiers give Jack and Stan after they escape their imprisonment?
(a) Water.
(b) Guns.
(c) Clothes.
(d) Food.

14. On Jack's second night after his plane crashes, what does he eat after he sneaks into a house?
(a) Cheese.
(b) Berries.
(c) Milk.
(d) Bread.

15. What direction does Jack head in hopes of reaching Allied lines?
(a) West.
(b) East.
(c) North.
(d) South.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the first location that Jack hides behind after parachuting out of the plane?

2. After being captured, where does the bus take Jack?

3. How many German soldiers come and take Stan and Jack out of the hospital?

4. Where do the German soldiers take Jack and Stan after they have been shot at by the airplane?

5. How do Jack and Stan escape their imprisonment?

(see the answer keys)

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