The Last Letter Home Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Last Letter Home Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What year is it when Karl yields his largest crop?
(a) 1899.
(b) 1868.
(c) 1901.
(d) 1846.

2. When does Karl think that his farm will finally be completed?
(a) Never.
(b) When the oak grove is cleared.
(c) When the irrigation system is installed.
(d) When he buys the adjoining farm.

3. The gold promised to the Sioux Indians in 1861 finally arrives at _______________ in August of 1862.
(a) Fort Ridgely.
(b) Fort Recovery.
(c) Fort Hopewell.
(d) Fort Dalton.

4. How many white settlers are killed in the Sioux Indian war?
(a) Five hundred.
(b) About one thousand.
(c) Over one thousand.
(d) Nearly three hundred.

5. Why are there so few men who can help fight against the Sioux Indians?
(a) Some men take their families and move away.
(b) Many men are off fighting in the Civil War.
(c) Some men have religious objections to it.
(d) Many men want to protect their own farms.

Short Answer Questions

1. Kristina's dream transitions from a pleasant situation to one in which she ________________________.

2. What intermittent noise is heard in Karl and Kristina's house as he watches over her?

3. What causes a great influx of Swedish immigrants to Lake Chisago?

4. Who notifies Karl about the Indian uprising?

5. What do the rich steal during the famine causing many poor children to die?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is confirmed about Kristina's illness when she has abdominal pain and bleeding again?

2. Why does Karl not evacuate to town when the other settlers are doing so?

3. What is the toll on the settlers during the Sioux Indian war?

4. What is Karl's perspective on God since he has sustained his injury?

5. How does Karl embarrass his sons sometimes when he speaks now that he is older?

6. Who is William J. Sturgis, and what heroic act did he perform in the duty of warning settlers about the Indian attacks?

7. What item does Klas Albert convince Karl to buy, and what benefit does it bring to Karl's family?

8. What is the state of Kristina's health after three days and how does she behave that frightens Karl?

9. How does Ulrika reveal to Karl that she donated the bridal crown to the village church?

10. How does the changing Indian cliff serve as a metaphor for the sorrows of the Sioux Indians?

(see the answer keys)

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