The Last Letter From Your Lover Fun Activities

Jojo Moyes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Last Letter From Your Lover Fun Activities

Jojo Moyes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy The Last Letter From Your Lover Lesson Plans

JoJo Moyes - Books

Read another book written by Moyes.

On the Scene

Imagine you are a newspaper reporter and can choose where you go to cover a story and a crisis. Discuss with a group where you would like to go and what crisis you would like to cover.

Book Review

Write a review of the book as you would for a newspaper, blog, or magazine.

Wrong or Right

Discuss with a group why Ellie decided her relationship with John was an effort on her part to make something "so transparently wrong to be right" (387).

The Congo

Research the history of the Congo and the crisis in the 1960s. Write a few paragraphs discussing what you learn.


Make a poster showing clothing that women wore in the 1960s and what they wear in the early 2000s.


Draw a portrait of your favorite characters.

The Last Letter from Your Lover - The Movie

(read more Fun Activities)

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