The Last Good Kiss Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

James Crumley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Last Good Kiss Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

James Crumley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the owner of the commune reveal about Betty Sue?
(a) She lied about her past.
(b) She entered a psychiatric hospital.
(c) She stole from her friends.
(d) She was great in bed and overweight.

2. What did Betty Sue want to do when she called Jimmy?
(a) Get married.
(b) Leave the commune.
(c) Travel the world.
(d) Go to college.

3. How does Betty Sue behave in the porn Sughrue sees?
(a) Nonchalant.
(b) Enthusiastic.
(c) Frightened.
(d) Drugged.

4. After seeing Melinda's sculptures, what does Sughrue go to bed thinking?
(a) He will stay with Melinda.
(b) He will pay what he owed the women.
(c) He wants a marriage like Trahearne and Melinda's.
(d) He won't stay with Trahearne long.

5. When Betty Sue left Jackson, how did she feel about him?
(a) She knew their relationship would not work.
(b) She loved him even more.
(c) She kept secrets from him because she distrusted him.
(d) She wanted nothing to do with him.

Short Answer Questions

1. How was Sughrue discharged from his military duty in Vietnam?

2. What body part of Trahearne's end up shot in the bar fight?

3. What occupation does Melinda have?

4. According to Gleeson, why did he not have sex with Betty Sue?

5. How does Rosie react to Saghrue and Trahearne showing up in her bar after they meet with Jimmy?

Short Essay Questions

1. What tone is set when Sughrue says people in his business need "a moral certitude that I no longer even claimed to possess"?

2. What is upsetting Sughrue about Betty Sue as the search continues? Why?

3. What is shown by Trahearne's ex-wife hiring a private investigator to follow him?

4. What does Sughrue's drastic actions with Jackson say about his involvement in the case?

5. What is foreshadowed by Trahearne's eagerness to travel with Sughrue in the search for Betty Sue?

6. How would Sughrue be affected by his experiences in Vietnam and the discovery of the butchered 14-year old boy?

7. How does Trahearne's interpretation of Catherine align with what the audience knows about her?

8. What is Jimmy Joe Flowers like?

9. How does Sughrue's remark about his job and "the chase being over" indirectly characterize him?

10. What does Melinda's present life say about her now?

(see the answer keys)

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