The Last Good Kiss Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

James Crumley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Last Good Kiss Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

James Crumley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Randall Jackson move to from San Francisco?
(a) Canada.
(b) St. Louis.
(c) Dallas.
(d) Denver.

2. When Gleeson saw Betty Sue after her disappearance, what was different about her?
(a) An ugly scar in the middle of her belly.
(b) Her hairstyle.
(c) A fake arm.
(d) Tattoos up her back.

3. What is Abraham Trahearne's occupation?
(a) Father.
(b) Barkeep.
(c) Writer.
(d) Priest.

4. What did Selma Hinds do to help Betty Sue?
(a) Helped Betty Sue get her life back together.
(b) Got her into drug rehab.
(c) Hired a lawyer to handle her divorce.
(d) Bought her freedom from her pimp.

5. What best describes Melinda the first time Sughrue sees her?
(a) Indecisive and manipulative.
(b) Cruel and placating.
(c) Kind and slow.
(d) Gracious and rough-handed.

6. What does Saghrue reveal about Trahearne's mother?
(a) She is serving 20-45 for armed robbery.
(b) She was a single and pregnant schoolteacher.
(c) She committed suicide when Trahearne was young.
(d) She dated a married doctor.

7. Where does Sughrue find the first visitor on the list of Betty Sue's friends?
(a) A shopping center.
(b) His home.
(c) The movie theater.
(d) Church.

8. When Betty Sue left Jackson, how did she feel about him?
(a) She loved him even more.
(b) She knew their relationship would not work.
(c) She wanted nothing to do with him.
(d) She kept secrets from him because she distrusted him.

9. What does Trahearne reveal to Sughrue about rainstorms and his childhood?
(a) He obsessed about women leaving him in the rain.
(b) He obsessed about rain on his wedding day.
(c) He obsessed about dying in the rain.
(d) He obsessed about a naked woman who appeared in a window.

10. Who runs with Sughrue on his first morning in Montana?
(a) Trahearne.
(b) Rosie.
(c) Edna.
(d) Melinda.

11. What did Betty Sue want to do when she called Jimmy?
(a) Travel the world.
(b) Get married.
(c) Go to college.
(d) Leave the commune.

12. Whom did Betty Sue leave the commune with?
(a) A john.
(b) Randall Jackson.
(c) The police.
(d) Her father.

13. What is C.W. Sughrue's occupation?
(a) Private investigator.
(b) Nurse.
(c) Writer.
(d) Doctor.

14. As Saghure tries to leave Peggy's side, what is Trahearne trying to do?
(a) Have sex with another guest.
(b) Call Melinda on a pay phone.
(c) Steal money from the desk.
(d) Interrogate other guests.

15. As Sughrue remembers, what caused the last woman he loved to refuse his marriage proposal?
(a) His "mean streak."
(b) His unreliable lifestyle.
(c) His inability to commit.
(d) His dangerous job.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Rosie willing to pay Sughrue for?

2. What is Professor Richter's academic expertise?

3. How does Rosie react to Saghrue and Trahearne showing up in her bar after they meet with Jimmy?

4. What does Sughrue think about Betty Sue as the novel opens?

5. What does Rosie think about Betty Sue at the beginning of the novel?

(see the answer keys)

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