The Last Continent: A Discworld Novel Test | Final Test - Medium

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The Last Continent: A Discworld Novel Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the normal sheep shearing rate?
(a) Fifty sheep an hour.
(b) Twenty five sheep an hour.
(c) Forty sheep an hour.
(d) Thirty sheep an hour.

2. What does Ridcully tell them to do?
(a) Hike towards the mountains.
(b) Fight off panic and the new reality.
(c) Hunt for the exit window.
(d) Close their eyes and pretend it isn't happening.

3. What is the dessert named?
(a) Strawberry Bettie.
(b) Peach Nellie.
(c) Blueberry Tessie.
(d) Raspberry Mellie.

4. What has never been essential to Rincewind's life?
(a) C-workers.
(b) A steady job.
(c) Company.
(d) Women.

5. What does Stibbons discover is the God's idea of perfection?
(a) Stibbons.
(b) Slime.
(c) A cockroach.
(d) A worm.

Short Answer Questions

1. To be safe, what do the wizards believe they should do?

2. What weapon does Rincewind grab when the Watch shows up?

3. Where does Stibbons go while the others are provisioning the Melon Boat?

4. What does Rincewind notice about the kangaroo in the Roo Beer poster?

5. What does Rincewind demand?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is at first lost and then returns to the wizards from the boat and how is this helpful to the wizards?

2. Where does Rincewind go when he is fleeing the watchmen?

3. What does Stibbons consequently learn that makes him change his mind about staying with the God on Mono Island to create new life forms?

4. What does Rincewind do when he wakes up and why?

5. What do the wizards experience and what is the result?

6. Where does a path lead Stibbons on Mono Island and what does he witness there?

7. What incident causes Rincewind to be incarcerated?

8. Where does Rincewind hide next, and what basic concept is he at first unable to comprehend?

9. Where does the Bursar go, and what does he see?

10. As Stibbons wakes up, what vague visions does he have, what does he believe is the fate of the ohter wizards and who is the only wizard who appears to have enjoyed the sensation?

(see the answer keys)

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