The Last Continent: A Discworld Novel Test | Final Test - Medium

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The Last Continent: A Discworld Novel Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. To be safe, what do the wizards believe they should do?
(a) Wait a few millennia for Rincewind to arrive.
(b) Call on God for help with a new boat.
(c) Continue to protect Mrs. Whitlow.
(d) Use magic to get back to UU.

2. What is the dessert named?
(a) Strawberry Bettie.
(b) Raspberry Mellie.
(c) Blueberry Tessie.
(d) Peach Nellie.

3. What is Rincewind happy about?
(a) The fact that there is no sign of Scrappy.
(b) The fact that he no longer eats meat.
(c) The fact that beer is now in cans.
(d) The fact that he can have a nap.

4. Who visits Rincewind after dinner?
(a) The hangman.
(b) Death.
(c) Scrappy.
(d) The sheep thief.

5. What do the wizards begin to feel?
(a) Partial temporal lobe damage.
(b) Temporary displacement.
(c) Distant temporal disturbance.
(d) Temporal discontinuity.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is the Prima Dona?

2. What color is the ground?

3. Where does Neilette lead Rincewind?

4. What is Mrs. Whitlow carrying when she comes?

5. What is the normal sheep shearing rate?

Short Essay Questions

1. Where does Rincewind go when he is fleeing the watchmen?

2. What happens when the warden and the watchmen arrive at the Opera House?

3. What does the God of Evolution suggest that Stibbons start with in his efforts to help and to learn and what does the God believe?

4. What problems is the God of Evolution experiencing and what offer does Stibbons make?

5. Why do the wizards question Stibbons' intentions on Mono Island and what do they hope he might accomplish?

6. Where does the Bursar go, and what does he see?

7. What tales does Crocodile Dongo regale Rincewind with?

8. How does Snowy make Rincewind suspect magic is being used?

9. What conclusion does Rincewind come to after the earthquake forces him and Neilette to use Luggage and Trunkie as refuge?

10. What does Fair-Go Dibbler try to sell Rincewind, and what is the lecture that Rincewind is given and by whom?

(see the answer keys)

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