The Last Child Test | Final Test - Easy

John Hart
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Last Child Test | Final Test - Easy

John Hart
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Levi tells Johnny that the piece of material was given to him by whom?
(a) David Wilson.
(b) Ken.
(c) Jarvis.
(d) Meechum.

2. Which of the following does NOT lead Yoakum and Hunt to think Steve was involved?
(a) Cuffs.
(b) Guns.
(c) Badge.
(d) Uniform.

3. Who is Meechum?
(a) Steve's boss.
(b) Steve's uncle.
(c) Steve's landlord.
(d) Steve's best friend.

4. What do Hunt and Yoakum NOT see at the Cross house when they go to arrest Cross?
(a) Mrs. Cross is praying on her knees in the yard.
(b) Gerald's truck is smashed against the house.
(c) Cross is outside yelling.
(d) Cross is at the curb waiting for them.

5. Who does Hunt believe ran David Wilson over the bridge?
(a) Cross.
(b) Meechum.
(c) Jarvis.
(d) Ken.

6. Who emerges from the woods to say he knows where Alyssa is?
(a) Hunt.
(b) Yoakum.
(c) Steve.
(d) Jack.

7. Hunt shows an autopsy photo of whom to Johnny to confirm that he is the man Johnny saw with Jarvis?
(a) Ken.
(b) Levi.
(c) Meechum.
(d) Cross.

8. Whose bike is found in the mine?
(a) Seth's.
(b) Alyssa's.
(c) Johnny's.
(d) Jack's.

9. What does the old woman at the mall tell Hunt and Yoakum?
(a) She can't remember where she parked her car.
(b) She eats tuna for lunch every day.
(c) The cat she used to feed hasn't been around for awhile.
(d) Someone has stolen her can opener.

10. Who is Jack's brother?
(a) Mike.
(b) Gerald.
(c) Brady.
(d) Will.

11. How is Levi killed?
(a) He hangs himself.
(b) He drowns.
(c) He is strangled.
(d) He is shot.

12. Which of the following is NOT something Yoakum warns Hunt about regarding Hunt's involvement with Katherine and Johnny?
(a) Hunt could be fired.
(b) It could undermine Hunt's credibility.
(c) It could be explosive in the media.
(d) Katherine will expect him to marry her.

13. Who is Trenton Moore?
(a) A professor.
(b) The coroner.
(c) An architect.
(d) A geologist.

14. Hunt and Yoakum have to meet with state investigators from where when they go to work the next day?
(a) Greensboro.
(b) Raleigh.
(c) Charlotte.
(d) Atlanta.

15. Why can Katherine and Johnny not go back home right away?
(a) Someone has broken the windows.
(b) The house is a crime scene.
(c) The power is off.
(d) There is no water.

Short Answer Questions

1. What had fallen into the shaft prior to the body?

2. Why does Levi say his wife once shot him?

3. What do Hunt and his son have for dinner in Chapter 41?

4. Which of the following is NOT someone the police chief thinks were involved in the murders?

5. How does Meechum destroy his computer?

(see the answer keys)

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