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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What does Eustace have placed on the trap door of a secret passage in Chateau Norbelle?
2. What time of day does Eustace ride through the gates of Bordeaux in Chapter X?
3. What is the name of Lady Clarenham's daughter?
4. How is Agnes Clarenham related to Fulk?
5. Where did Eleanor have Father Cyril promise he would take Arthur if Eustace did not come?
Short Essay Questions
1. How does Eustace find a door to a secret passage, and how does he ensure the passage will not be used?
2. What lies does Clarenham tell about Eustace?
3. Why does Eustace remain a guest of Jean de Montford rather than going directly to Edward with Arthur?
4. By what right does Eustace say he should be Arthur's guardian?
5. How is a plot against Eustace discovered?
6. In Chapter VIII, what is the situation when Eustace arrives at Lynwood?
7. What does Father Cyril give Eustace at the end of Chapter IX, and what does Eustace do with what he is given?
8. How does Eustace enter the keep at Lynwood?
9. In Chapter XIII, in what condition does Gaston find Eustace when he and his men return?
10. What do Eustace and Gaston do as they prepare to defend the castle in Chapter XIII?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Leonard makes assumptions about an old woman who is caring for him in Chapter VII. What assumptions does Leonard make? How does he base his assumptions on appearances? How and why are appearances deceiving?
Essay Topic 2
The protagonist is usually a hero in a story and the antagonist is usually a villain. Is there more than one protagonist or antagonist in the story? Who are the protagonist(s) and antagonist(s) and why do they play that role in the book?
Essay Topic 3
Mood is an element that authors use to evoke feelings in readers through the use of descriptive language. Mood is the overall feeling that readers have when reading a story. What is the overall mood of The Lances of Lynwood?
This section contains 774 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |