The Labyrinth of Solitude: Life and Thought in Mexico Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Labyrinth of Solitude: Life and Thought in Mexico Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 5 The Conquest of Colonialism.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How do Mexicans avoid the dangers of romantic relationships, according to Paz?
(a) By stifling their feelings.
(b) By exaggerating their feelings.
(c) By denying the importance of the other.
(d) By not truly loving.

2. What makes the foreigner skeptical about Mexicans (Chapter Four)?
(a) Their lavish festivals.
(b) Their unforeseen violence and cult of death.
(c) Their poor economy.
(d) Their indiscriminate money spending for fiestas.

3. What was an important element of all ancient cultures?
(a) Military superiority.
(b) Historical records.
(c) Familial relationships.
(d) Religion.

4. In Paz's argument, how have tradition and religion always been presented to the Mexicans?
(a) As things leading to their spiritual salvation.
(b) As things that will solidify their national identity.
(c) As things that stifle their individuality.
(d) As things to be held lightly or discarded.

5. What did Paz find in the actions and faces of North Americans?
(a) A fear about the survival of their society.
(b) An unrealistic optimism about the future.
(c) A faith in their society and confidence in its survival.
(d) A faith in man's intrinsic goodness and its effects on their culture.

Short Answer Questions

1. In his obsession with hygiene, work, and health, what does the North American miss?

2. What do a pachuco's actions and lifestyle demonstrate?

3. How does the philosophy of progress treat death?

4. In Latin America, what was the importance of Jose Gorostiza's poem, Muerte sin Fin?

5. What connotation does the verb, chingar, carry?

(see the answer key)

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