The Known World Test | Final Test - Easy

Edward P. Jones
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Known World Test | Final Test - Easy

Edward P. Jones
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Wilson Calhenny kicked out of medical school?
(a) For admitting the cadavers speak to him.
(b) For failing his mid-term exams.
(c) For killing patients with drug overdoses.
(d) For abusing the nurses.

2. Where does Counsel hope to eventually make his home?
(a) Manchester County.
(b) New York.
(c) Arizona.
(d) California.

3. Who does Robbins charge with finding Caldonia's lost slaves after admitting he has lost faith in John Skiffington as sheriff?
(a) Counsel.
(b) Louis.
(c) Calvin.
(d) Moses.

4. What disease begins to sweep through the plantation, leaving most of the family and slaves dead?
(a) Dyptheria.
(b) The flu.
(c) Smallpox.
(d) Black Plague.

5. Who does Moses think needs to be out of the picture to clear the way for Caldonia to free him and marry him?
(a) Louis and Calvin.
(b) Loretta and Bennett.
(c) Priscilla and Jamie.
(d) Elias and Celeste.

6. What fate lies ahead of Jebediah when it is discovered he has forged his freedom papers?
(a) Sale to a new owner.
(b) Death.
(c) Constant beatings from his owner.
(d) Jail time.

7. How does Topps define perishment?
(a) The moment an investment goes bad.
(b) Fragility of human life.
(c) The moment a slave chooses to runaway.
(d) The point at which a food spoils.

8. What is Skiffington concerned about in light of the number of missing slaves from Caldonia's plantation?
(a) That Robbins will lose faith in him like he did Patterson.
(b) That the missing slaves will be killed by his patrollers.
(c) That Caldonia will move to have him replaced as sheriff for not finding her slaves.
(d) That the missing slaves will kill him in his sleep.

9. Who performs the procedure to hobble Moses?
(a) Oden.
(b) Travis.
(c) Barnum.
(d) Counsel.

10. What does Moses expect Caldonia to do for him now that his family is gone and he is Caldonia's lover?
(a) To move him into the main house.
(b) To sell him.
(c) To free him.
(d) To make him a paid employee.

11. Who gives food and shelter to Counsel when he reaches Merryville, Louisiana?
(a) The Morris family.
(b) The Jenkins family.
(c) The Elton family.
(d) The Travis family.

12. Why was a white woman hanged in Bristol in front of more than three hundred people?
(a) For helping a slave escape.
(b) For handing out abolishonist pamphlets.
(c) For adultery.
(d) For laying with a slave.

13. Who tells Skiffington that Travis sold Augustus Townsend to slave traders?
(a) Counsel Skiffington.
(b) William Robbins.
(c) Oden.
(d) Barnum Kinsey.

14. What does Counsel Skiffington find inside the home while he is searching for Moses?
(a) Five twenty dollar gold pieces.
(b) Five gold bowls.
(c) Five silver rings.
(d) Five twenty dollar bills.

15. Who takes care of Moses after he is hobbled and has fallen into a depression so deep he refuses to eat or see anyone?
(a) Alice.
(b) Caldonia.
(c) Celeste.
(d) Elias.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Moses force a sick slave to work in the fields despite protest from this person's family and friends?

2. What happens to nine-year-old Abundance Crawford during the journey south with the slave traders?

3. Who is Ray Topps?

4. What information about Ramsey does Jebediah reveal to Fern that changes the climate of her marriage?

5. Who suggests that Moses be hobbled for running away?

(see the answer keys)

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