The Knife of Never Letting Go Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Patrick Ness
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Knife of Never Letting Go Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Patrick Ness
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Todd, the girl, and Manchee eat from the ship in Chapter 10?
(a) Fruit.
(b) Cheese.
(c) Jerky.
(d) Bread.

2. What does Matthew threaten Todd with in Chapter 17?
(a) Iron bar.
(b) Ax.
(c) Big stick.
(d) Machete.

3. In Chapter 10, what does Todd see with the girl's binoculars?
(a) Forest.
(b) A desert.
(c) A settlement.
(d) A plain.

4. Where does the girl have a cut from Todd's knife in Chapter 7?
(a) On her arm.
(b) On her cheek.
(c) On her leg.
(d) Between her fingers.

5. In Chapter 13, what creatures does Todd hear saying "Bite!" (133)?
(a) Lizards.
(b) Turtles.
(c) Snakes.
(d) Chameleons.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Todd see with the binoculars in Chapter 11?

2. What color are the flames that Todd can see when he looks back at the bridge in Chapter 13?

3. In Chapter 4, who comes to the door?

4. In Chapter 12, who falls when the bridge explodes?

5. In Chapter 1, what object does Todd have to help Manchee over?

Short Essay Questions

1. What do Todd and Manchee discover when they are in the swamp in Chapter 1?

2. Why does Todd go back for the girl in Chapter 11?

3. In Chapter 10, how does the girl start a fire?

4. What does Todd do after he hits Aaron with the rock in Chapter 8?

5. What does Hildy and Tam's farm look like?

6. In Chapter 6, what does Todd think when he hears sounds from the farm?

7. Why does Todd try to run with the girl in Chapter 7?

8. In Chapter 5, why did Ben and Cillian not take Todd away sooner?

9. What does Todd see when Hildy takes him and Viola to Farbranch?

10. What is a cassor, and what does Todd know about them?

(see the answer keys)

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