The Knife of Never Letting Go Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Patrick Ness
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Knife of Never Letting Go Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Patrick Ness
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 6, who grabs Todd?
(a) Mayor Prentiss.
(b) Aaron.
(c) Sheriff Prentiss.
(d) Dr. Baldwin.

2. How long ago does Todd tell Viola that his people came to settle the New World?
(a) About 20 years.
(b) Around 25 years.
(c) 32 years.
(d) 18 years.

3. In Chapter 5, who wrote the book that Ben gives Todd?
(a) Cillian.
(b) Todd's father.
(c) Todd's mother.
(d) Ben.

4. What does the girl do in Chapter 11, when she hears Todd's thoughts about her dying from the Noise germ?
(a) Runs.
(b) Asks questions.
(c) Walks away.
(d) Hides.

5. At the end of Chapter 15, how many settlers does Viola say are on her home ship?
(a) Thousands.
(b) 1,584.
(c) 2,697.
(d) Hundreds.

6. Where does Cillian pull up floor boards in their house in Chapter 4?
(a) Prayer room.
(b) Parlor.
(c) Den.
(d) Bedroom.

7. When Hildy takes Todd and Viola to Farbranch in Chapter 16, where are most of the people working?
(a) Wheat field.
(b) Orchard.
(c) Corn field.
(d) Cabbage field.

8. In Chapter 12, who falls when the bridge explodes?
(a) Mr. Phelps.
(b) Mr. MacInerny.
(c) Mr. Fox.
(d) Mr. Hammer.

9. In Chapter 2, who is at the doctor's office when Todd walks by?
(a) Mr. Oliver.
(b) Mr. Hammer.
(c) Mr. Fox.
(d) Mr. Phelps.

10. In Chapter 17, how many building are in Farbranch?
(a) Maybe 7.
(b) About 10.
(c) 6.
(d) 11.

11. How many men does Todd see riding with the mayor in Chapter 12?
(a) 6.
(b) 8.
(c) 4.
(d) 5.

12. How long does Tam say in Chapter 16 that it takes for a spaceship to get from the Old World to the New World?
(a) 64.
(b) 71.
(c) 39.
(d) 58.

13. Who comes and hits Todd for language in Chapter 1?
(a) Aaron.
(b) Ben.
(c) Mr. Phelps.
(d) Cillian.

14. In Chapter 10, how much time do Todd, the girl, and Manchee lose when they rest an hour before dawn?
(a) 4 hours.
(b) An hour or two.
(c) 3 hours.
(d) About 2 hours.

15. In Chapter 4, what room do Ben, Cillian, and Todd not use in their house?
(a) Prayer room.
(b) Living room.
(c) Den.
(d) Parlor.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Ben's map lead?

2. In Chapter 8, what does Todd use to hurt Aaron?

3. What sound do Ben and Todd hear as Ben tells Todd goodbye in Chapter 5?

4. Who drew the map that Ben gives Todd in Chapter 5?

5. What color are the ripe swamp apples?

(see the answer keys)

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