The Kite Runner Test | Final Test - Hard

Khaled Hosseini
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Kite Runner Test | Final Test - Hard

Khaled Hosseini
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Baba's speech at Amir's engagement party not more impressive?

2. What were Amir's injuries from the man in the sunglasses?

3. What does the cut on his lip remind Amir of?

4. Who is Amir's guide on his journey back to Afghanistan in Chapter 19?

5. Why does the man at the American Embassy seem depressed and encourage Amir to give up?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why do Farzana and Hassan nurse his mother back to health?

2. What skill does Soraya's mother have that she has been forbidden to share in public?

3. Describe one example of irony in Chapter 22.

4. Explain why Amir comments in Chapter 19 that he feels like a tourist in the country in which he was a child?

5. Why does Sohrab not have to go back to the orphanage in Chapter 24?

6. In Chapter 17, what does Amir deduce is his relationship with Hassan?

7. What do kites symbolize to Amir, as seen in Chapter 14?

8. In Chapter 13, what does Amir feel is coming between him and Soraya in their marriage?

9. Amir goes to Kabul to save Sohrab; however, is this what actually happens?

10. What changes Hassan's mind about moving back to Kabul with Rahim Kahn?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Every year, many teens attempt suicide. Explain what drove Sohrab to attempt suicide in the story and what might drive a teen in America to do the same thing.

Remember to:

• Explain what drove Sohrab to attempt suicide

• Explain why a modern American teen might attempt suicide

Essay Topic 2

Write a comparison essay comparing Kabul from Amir's childhood to the Kabul he returned to as an adult. Be sure to include specific examples from the text.

Remember to:

• Compare Kabul from the past with the present

• Use specific examples from the text

Essay Topic 3

Choose two characters from this book. Write an essay comparing and contrasting the two characters using specific examples from the story.

Remember to:

• Choose two characters

• Compare the two characters

• Contrast the two characters

(see the answer keys)

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