The Kingdom of This World Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Kingdom of This World Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The slaves return to their plantations feeling a sense of what in the end of Part One: Chapter VIII?
(a) Encouragement
(b) Devastation
(c) Doom
(d) Grief

2. What is the name of the laundress that the plantation owner takes to bed in Part One: Chapter VII?
(a) Corneille Breille
(b) Amethyste
(c) Athenais
(d) Marientte

3. What time at night is it when M. Lenormand de Mézy goes out to rape one of the slave girls in Part Two: Chapter III?
(a) 10
(b) 11
(c) 9
(d) 8

4. How many years have passed since Macandal’s capture in Part Two: Chapter I?
(a) 12
(b) 8
(c) 2
(d) 20

5. What is Macandal’s arm removed with in Part One: Chapter II?
(a) A machete
(b) A cleaver
(c) A saw
(d) A sickle

6. What do the slaves use to perform their sacrifice in Part Two: Chapter II?
(a) A rock
(b) A machete
(c) A shovel
(d) A gun

7. The slaves’ rebellion is planned to take place how many days in the future in the end of Part Two: Chapter II?
(a) 8
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 5

8. What is the first group affected (and killed) by the poisoning on the plantations in Part One: Chapter V?
(a) The slaves
(b) The plantation owners' families
(c) The animals
(d) The royalty

9. What do the slaves believe has happened to Macandal at the end of Part One: Chapter VIII?
(a) He is dead
(b) He is imprisoned
(c) He has become pope
(d) He has escaped

10. What is the name of the plantation owner where Ti Noël is a slave as the book opens?
(a) Mlle Floridor
(b) Henri Christophe
(c) Governor Blancheland
(d) M. Lenormand de Mézy

11. What does the plantation owner buy before he and Ti Noël head back to the plantation in Part One: Chapter I?
(a) A calf's head
(b) A shark fin
(c) A jar of honey
(d) A dog

12. Slaves that come from the region where Macandal originated are reputed to be what?
(a) French colonists
(b) Excellent housekeepers
(c) Royal descendants
(d) Troublemakers

13. What does M. Lenormand de Mézy discover has happened to his dogs when he comes out of hiding to examine his plantation in Part Two: Chapter IV?
(a) They have been shot
(b) They have been set free
(c) They have been burned to death
(d) They have been hung

14. What cannot be bound, leading to Macandal’s escape in Part One: Chapter VIII?
(a) His waist
(b) The stump of his missing arm
(c) His ankles
(d) The stump of his missing leg

15. Ti Noël tells the plantation owner that the cows have died for what reason in the end of Part One: Chapter IV?
(a) The imported cows don’t know what poisonous vegetation to avoid
(b) The local cows have an inherited disease
(c) The imported cows were poisoned before they arrived at the plantation
(d) The imported cows have been infected with yellow fever

Short Answer Questions

1. After losing his arm, Macandal is given what job in Part One: Chapter III?

2. What is Part Two: Chapter IV’s title?

3. What is enacted upon the slaves after the poisonings spread in Part One: Chapter V?

4. To what does Ti Noël compare the wax heads in the window in Part One: Chapter I?

5. What ethnic group is Macandal described as belonging to in the novel?

(see the answer keys)

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