The Kingdom of the Cults Test | Final Test - Easy

Walter Martin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Kingdom of the Cults Test | Final Test - Easy

Walter Martin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Cults are most effective among ____________________________.
(a) people who have been exposed to Christianity
(b) lifelong Christians
(c) the elderly
(d) young Christians

2. The Unification Church was founded by ______________________.
(a) Rev. Sun Myung Moon
(b) Mirza Ali Muhammad
(c) Mararishi Makesh Yogic
(d) Bhagwan Shree Ranjneesh

3. Swedenborg presented his theories in a number of books which were ____________________________.
(a) contrary to Christian theology
(b) complemented Christian theology
(c) traditional Christian theology
(d) ignored Christian theology

4. Regarding evangelism, there must be ___________________________.
(a) radio
(b) personal contact
(c) television
(d) massive numbers

5. The Hari Krishna cult was founded in _________________.
(a) Bombay, India
(b) Poona, India
(c) London, England
(d) New York, New York

6. Seventh Day Adventism ______________________.
(a) accepts Christian scripture
(b) uses its own doctrine to replace Christian doctrine
(c) accepts parts of Christian doctrine
(d) rejects Christian doctrine

7. Muhammad is ranked in importance equal to ________________________.
(a) Joseph Smith
(b) Charles Taze Russell
(c) Jesus Christ
(d) L. Ron Hubbard

8. To the New Age cultist, __________________________________.
(a) there is no Trinity
(b) there is a Trinity
(c) God is an impersonal consciousness and power
(d) there is no God

9. The Unification Chruch has been accused of _________________________________.
(a) fostering dialogue among religious scholars
(b) allowing its members to exercise free choice
(c) practicing strict adherence of Christian principles
(d) mind control and brainwashing

10. The supreme being of Islam is called ________________________.
(a) God the Father
(b) Yaweh
(c) God the Prophet
(d) Allah

11. Regarding the message of the Gospels, many of the cults ____________________________________.
(a) ignore the Gospels
(b) misinterpret or twist the message of the Gospels
(c) offer a strict orthodox interpretation
(d) state where they differ from the orthodox interpretation

12. Islam is _________________________.
(a) a Christian cult
(b) a major world Christian religion
(c) a major world non-Christian religion
(d) a non-Christian cult

13. The Holy Book of Islam is the _____________.
(a) Divine Principle
(b) Torah
(c) Bible
(d) Koran

14. In Islam, Muhammad is ______________________.
(a) the God of Islam
(b) equal in status to Allah
(c) the founder of a sect
(d) the prophet of Allah

15. The business practices of the Unification Church, especially regarding recruitment, include ________________________________.
(a) open honest recruitment
(b) recruitment by word of mouth
(c) multiple pseudonyms or anonymous recruitment
(d) no recruitment

Short Answer Questions

1. Seventh Day Adventism ______________________________.

2. The founder of the Church of the New Jerusalem was ________________.

3. Hinduism comes primarily from __________________.

4. The Rosicrucian cross ________________________________.

5. Which of the following does not lead to the heavens?

(see the answer keys)

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